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McCain-Feingold campaign finance law gets chopped in half!

It is a great day when the United States Supreme Court makes a decision based on Constitutional Law --and actually upholds The Constitution!
McCain-Feingold limited the free speech rights of corporations, and private individuals by limiting how much money could be donated, or spent on ads and when those ads can be run.
The response from Obama is very interesting.
President Obama issued a statement calling on Congress to “develop a forceful response to this decision.”
“With its ruling today,” he said, “the Supreme Court has given a green light to a new stampede of special interest money in our politics. It is a major victory for big oil, Wall Street banks, health insurance companies and the other powerful interests that marshal their power every day in Washington to drown out the voices of everyday Americans.”
I find it interesting that Obama is worried. It seems that Obama is angered that the industries his administration has tried to control are now going to have a larger voice. If the corporations are all "evil" and "marshaling power" why would he worry what they say, wouldn't they incriminate themselves? Besides; if these "evil" corporations are "marshaling power every day" already, what difference would it make if they can fund commercials?
Oh, and since when does the president threaten "a forceful response" to a supreme court decision? Obama has ruled against the United States Constitution, the same Constitution he has sworn to protect.
I think the democrat party is starting to erode. As it does; more and more of the truth is coming out. The democrats are in hot water now, because the entities they have demonized and used to polarize the general public will now fight back. Remember what happened to Humana when they explained the end result of the current health care legislation?
This is the letter sent to Humana. Humana was threatened by the government and told to stop telling the truth; it's this sort of "marshaling power" that the United States Constitution prohibits!
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