Category: Politics
How Can Anyone Cover This Story?

The White House has another creepy Internet site asking for information on people opposing Obama's views.
This is sad. I can't imagine that anyone will take this seriously. It's an Internet site that will be advertised freely because of its pure… more »
The USPS is in Dire Straits Again

Obama: It's The Fault of Congress/Republicans That We're In This Economic Mess

According to Obama, the Republicans in Congress are the reason that we are in this mess. Obama is hopeful that the American people have a very short memory and won't pin the blame where it belongs.
Speaking in the key election state of Iowa, Democr… more »
You Can Stay, But You Must Go

The Dream Act didn't make it through Congress. But that doesn't stop those who want to implement it by any means necessary.
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration announced Thursday that it would suspend deportation proceedings against many illegal… more »
Max Hastings is Not Afraid to "Tell it like it is!"

This is a great column. It's unbashful, unafraid and straight to the point. The best part; it's entirely true.
Years of liberal dogma have spawned a generation of amoral, uneducated, welfare dependent, brutalised youngsters
A few weeks after the… more »