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How Can Anyone Cover This Story?

Permalink 09/14/11 21:45, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, Politics

The White House has another creepy Internet site asking for information on people opposing Obama's views.


This is sad. I can't imagine that anyone will take this seriously. It's an Internet site that will be advertised freely because of its pure silliness. Comedy Central couldn't come up with something better than this.

This is like the story from the UK Guardian warning of social networking leading to loneliness. Then there are links to social networking sites just to the right of the article title. That way lonely people can talk about their loneliness with other people, making them even more lonely? This is ground breaking research because it proves that "academics" are even more lonely than those they are researching.

Got to love it!

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Comment from: J.R. [Visitor]
J.R.I'm never surprised just how low the left will stoop.. This is right up there with Acorn...
09/14/11 @ 22:25
Comment from: Kathy [Visitor]
KathyYea, Right....The Government's going to arm us with the Truth!!???. That will be a unique occasion in this day and age.
09/19/11 @ 23:20

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