Category: Politics
Let Me Advertise: The End of Advertisements!
TV ratings have dropped again. Is there any real wonder why? I mean unless you work for an advertising firm, you most likely are annoyed by advertisements.
Now, TV ratings see double-digit declines for the fifth straight month.
The numbers u… more »
Hillary's Email Personal Email Address,

Hillary used a private email address while conduction official State Department business. We all know that. She obviously did it to hide incriminating information. The only question is what is her lie going to be?
I have a guess as to what she's goin… more »
Who Exactly Was Pushing For A Government Takeover of The Internet?

I don't know about you, but I can't recall hearing of a rally where people were asking for the FCC to takeover the Internet. Where did this all come from?
Network Connector RJ45
I'll give you a hint, we've seen this all before with health care.… more »
Ebola, Obama and the CDC (Centers for Disease Confusion)

Most of us realize the dangers that come with a new infectious disease in the population; that is unless you work for the CDC.
In the case of Amber Vinson, the Dallas nurse who flew commercially as she was becoming ill with Ebola… more »
I Wonder Why The Media Is Hiding From This?
!! UPDATE !! 04/23/14
Benghazi attack could have been prevented if US hadn't 'switched sides in the War on Terror' and allowed $500 MILLION of weapons to reach al-Qaeda militants, reveals damning report
The Citizens Commission on Benghazi, a sel… more »