Category: Politics
The Great Distraction Reset!

For any of those out there that don't believe that there are people trying to reshape society on a global scale, more »
Vaccine Passports Here We Come!

After all they are already spending money on it right now. The Biden regime claims that they aren't going to implement it. Why spend money on it if you aren't going to implement it. Of course they are going to implement it.
The Biden administration p… more »
My Dire Predictions

While I always hate to be the bearer of bad news, I don't think that there's any way out of the current situation. Historically, whenever a republic has fallen to tyranny, it has never been able to rebound from it.
Here's what I believe we're looking… more »
Democrats, The Media, Big Tech, And The Big Lie

I first read about Epoch Times story.
Silberman, a Reagan appointee, wrote that the ruling is “a threat to American Democracy” and must be overturned.
“The increased power of the press is so dangerous today because we are very close to one-party c… more »
Don Surber Does A Great Piece On Buddha Trump
It's hard to imagine how much of an impact Trump has made worldwide. One of the things that amazed me the most was people in foreign countries waving trump flags before the election. I don't remember people in other countries caring that much about who… more »