Category: Politics
One Canadian Fighting Back!

I've never watched the
Health Minister Tyler Shandro is defending the province’s plan to do away with most of its public health measures aimed at curbing the spread of COVID-19, as case numbers climb in Alberta.
“This is a plan that is based on t… more »
Who Made Who? The LAM's (Legacy American Media) failure to stick to narrative.

There is a new variant in town. And the messaging behind it is anyone's guess depending on the day. Many people would consider this to be incompetence, but I have a different view of things.
Let's check out Dr. Leana Wen's Bio on Wikipedia.
Is… more »
CDC Admits That The "SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19" Testing Was Flawed

All along there have been questions as to the accuracy of the COVID tests. There was confusion about people testing positive, but having absolutely no symptoms. There were people who were very sick, but didn't test positive for COVID.
Interestingly t… more »
I Have Now Been Banned by ABC News!
Here's what I posted a few days ago...
You can click on the images to view them full-size.
And here's what I see when I try to comment on another story, this one about vaccine mandates in France.
Now I've had the pleasure of being banne… more »
Rand Paul "criminal referral" for Dr. Fauci