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The CDC Is Creeping Me Out Man!

Permalink 08/08/21 12:57, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, History, Politics, Strange_News

There have been many articles written about what might happen if hospitals are over capacity, and how they might deal with a "surge" of infected individuals, but now the wait is over. The CDC has already thought through all of the details for us. Let's see what their approach is.

Let's go over some of the basics. Neighbors swap households to accommodate high-risk individuals.

I don't see how that's going to go down nicely anywhere. But, the government has "emergency powers" right now. No problem right?

In short, the CDC recommends, taking over neighborhoods, swapping people between homes, and turning your neighborhood into a FEMA quarantine camp. But, all of this is based on "high-risk" individuals. In other words, all of this hinges on what the definition of "high-risk" is. Right now they claim that the majority of the general population is low-risk, but for how long? This is a critical question.

Then to top it all off you see this in the summary:

The shielding approach is an ambitious undertaking, which may prove effective in preventing COVID-19 infection among high-risk populations if well managed. While the premise is based on mitigation strategies used in the United Kingdom, there is no empirical evidence whether this approach will increase, decrease or have no effect on morbidity and mortality during the COVID-19 epidemic in various humanitarian settings. This document highlights a) risks and challenges of implementing this approach, b) need for additional resources in areas with limited or reduced capacity, c) indefinite timeline, and d) possible short-term and long-term adverse consequences.

There is a well thought out plan in place to deal with a "crisis," but nobody has any evidence that it might work? Not even empirical evidence. That's because it hasn't worked anywhere. You can't quarantine your way out of a respiratory virus. We already know this.

As those who have not been vaccinated are being locked out of shops and restaurants, in some states realize; How long is it before they claim that the unvaccinated are "high-risk?" Remember there doesn't need to be any data to back up the claims. The government is in an emergency state, they can just make it up as they go along. This entire "Shielding Approach" scenario is based on nonsense. There is no data to show that it will help at all. And they are admitting it. But you can rest assured, if they mandate these sorts of things, they won't need any proof or evidence, because it's an "emergency."

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