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One Canadian Fighting Back!

Permalink 08/04/21 18:34, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, Politics, G-20, Strange_News, Elections

I've never watched the Stew Peters Show but I did see this clip the other day, and it's definitely worth watching! This man has single handedly caused a reversal in COVID mandates for Alberta Canada all over a $1200 fine!

Health Minister Tyler Shandro is defending the province’s plan to do away with most of its public health measures aimed at curbing the spread of COVID-19, as case numbers climb in Alberta.

“This is a plan that is based on the science and based on the data,” Shandro said during an unrelated news conference in Edmonton Thursday morning.

“We know that people will continue to have that anxiety but this was work that was done by public health based on the science, based on the data.”

Effective Thursday, close contacts will no longer be notified of exposure by contact tracers nor will they be legally required to isolate – although it still recommended.

Further measures will be eliminated Aug. 16. People who test positive for COVID-19 will not be mandated to isolate at that time but it is still strongly recommended. Isolation hotels will also close as quarantine supports end.

Also Aug. 16, provincial mandatory masking orders will be lifted. Some masking in acute care or continuing care facilities may still be required.

Effective Aug. 31, COVID-19 testing will no longer be available through assessment centres. It will be available in primary care settings including doctors’ offices or in acute care and hospital settings.

While the province could not point to another jurisdiction that is taking a similar approach, Shandro maintained this is the next step as the province moves from a pandemic to an endemic response, adding that Alberta is leading the way.

This is amazing, truth actually won! I just don't know if we're too late here in the US.

Now this sets the stage for challenges all over the world. All of those businesses that were fined in California and New York, they need to take this approach. Have health officials, in court, "make the case" for their actions based on science. We know they can't do that.

Which gets to another point. If they still haven't isolated the virus, how are they coming up with all these variants? Another simple question, if the first strain of SARS-CoV-2 can infect vaccinated patients, how can they claim that the new variants are any more or less infectious than the original strain --based on vaccinated patients becoming infected? How would you know the difference?

And lastly, the virus not being isolated would explain why they are pushing an mRNA vaccine, and not a traditional vaccine. They are generating mRNA vaccines from part of what they claim is the SARS-Cov-2 virus. You can't create the traditional vaccines without first isolating the virus. It has to be cultivated and weakened to create a vaccine.

How are labs supposed to calibrate their equipment to scan for the virus, when they have no comparable source by which to gauge calibration? How are you supposed to gauge the immune response without viral isolation? This all seems a little too convenient. And yet, they say "follow the science." If you do "follow the science" you'll find that this is all a little too sketchy, and far too convenient to extend lockdowns and force vaccinations. This is the best invisible enemy ever. Nobody can see it, nobody can even prove it's there. It allows the best possible vector for limiting people's freedoms, while simultaneously pitting one group against another. The "vaccinated vs the "unvaccinated."

I'll leave you with this last little nugget of truth from WhatsHerFace.

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