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Republicans Have Lost Credibility With The American People

Permalink 12/06/12 17:21, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics, Health Care, U.S. Economy, Elections
John Boehner and Obama; Much Love
John Boehner and Obama; Much Love

The Republican Party is in the worst shape its been in since I've been alive. The Republicans lost a presidential election to a devout and open socialist. While there are many reasons for that, I think I have pinpointed the real causes.

Blaming Romney is just like blaming a quarterback when his receivers can't catch good passes. Romney is a small part of the equation. Republicans have made promises and then backed out of them. People don't vote to send someone to Washington simply to say things and not act. They send someone up there to do what's right, what's necessary. So far, the Republicans have shown that they do not have the courage of their convictions.

Contrast that with the Democrats. Democrats have shown that they do not lack the courage of their convictions, of course I don't agree with them, but they have a spine when it comes to what they believe in. Republicans have been trying to get along to get along; all the while backing down on the Conservative beliefs that got them their in the first place. As I said before, "You attract moderates directly at the cost of the base."

Yesterday Speaker of The House John Boehner said, "If you look at the plans that the White House has talked about thus far, they couldn’t pass either house of the Congress." So, John Boehner proposes "revenue" which means tax increases which verifies the Democrat narrative of tax the rich. Now the Republicans have no argument. There is no longer any contrast between Republicans and Democrats. But the Democrats are the ones who stand to win here. There is only one way the Republicans can win on this issue only if the Democrats cave. The Democrats have no reason to cave. Democrats want higher taxes on everyone in the end, so they win on two fronts. The Democrats will have their victory delivered to them on a platter by the media who will blame the economic impact on the Republicans. Thanks to John Boehner conceding that tax increases will fix everything; the media has an easy job making the Republicans at fault.

The Republicans have become the moderate party. They have marginalized themselves by not really standing up for anything. The Republican Party is a dead platform until it can purge itself of moderates and replace them with Conservatives. The American people don't want wimpy career politicians they want people with conviction.

Tell your congressman that John Boehner does not need to be Speaker of The House any longer. It's time to send Tammy Faye Boehner packing. We need someone who will stand up to Obama in the public arena not meet in private and make deals that are unknown to the American people or the rest of the party. Not someone who will remove Conservatives from budget related committees! Someone who can articulate the differences in Conservative ideas and big government ideas.

I'm not sure who they can vote in as a replacement. I would suggest anyone that was removed from their committee position as "punishment" for not towing the line. What about Tim Huelskamp, R-Kansas., and Justin Amash, R-Michigan or David Schweikert, R-Arizona? We know that if they were removed they are Conservatives. We sent them to congress to do exactly what they did, they represented their districts!

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