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Wi-Fi Names Are Interesting

Permalink 10/18/12 12:02, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, Fun, In real life, On the web
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I don't know about you, but I always find the names of home Wi-Fi spots interesting. It doesn't matter if you're in a neighborhood or live in an apartment it's always interesting. The BBC recently had an article about this.

Wireless internet users are typically asked to assign names to their networks when installing new routers. These names can be seen by anybody within range who searches for networks.

Many stick to mundane options like "Home" or "Wireless01". The more adventurous may even use their surname or address.

But this is an era of bite-sized self-expression. It's possible to see names like "Drop it like it's hotspot", "Terror network", and "Virus Detected Shutting Down". Or witticisms like "Pretty fly for a Wi-Fi" and "Wi Believe I Can Fi".

I was looking for an open Wi-Fi connection in one apartment I lived at (I needed to test a VPN implementation). One of the Wi-Fi names I saw was "Get off my 'effing' Connection" "effing" having been spelled the normal way. Needless to say, I connected to it because it was unsecured.

I've seen any number of crazy names, some even list the owner's apartment number. The one I have used before is "Join Other Network". Of course I have come up with more like "Your Mama", "Join At Your Own Risk", "Packet Sniffing Here", "Your Personal Info For Sale", "Random Name", "Guess Who", "I Knew You Would Come", "We Are Waiting" and so on...

As the article points out Wi-Fi names are used as a means of semi-anonymous communication.

What are some of the names you've seen?

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