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Obama's Second Term and Why We Are in Trouble

Permalink 11/08/12 17:35, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, Background, Elections
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First of all I would like to say that it has been nice growing up in this country. Knowing what it was like; what it used to be like before slightly more than half of the population became willfully ignorant. But for those of us who know better it's time to fix things. Our government is indeed broken, but not from the inside --from the outside. The government is achieving its goals by reducing freedom and increasing dependency. The only thing broken in this country is the electorate. A government "...of the people, by the people, for the people..." which suppresses freedom is an abomination. This can only happen when economic ignorance is rampant.

The Obama administration has promised the impossible. For a Democrat politician that is not unusual. What is unusual is that for the first time, at least in my lifetime, more than half of the general public is too ignorant to know that these promises will not and can not be kept. Do people really believe that things are going to get better when profits are frowned upon and achievement punished? As I have said before who wants to move up to the hated class?

It's been said before in many different ways by many different people. Obama is not our worst problem; an electorate that would put him in power is our worst problem. Obama is but one man; however, if a majority of the population keeps voting to power people who will limit our freedom; Obama will be the least of our worries.

We, who know better, will have to double down in our efforts and expend more of our life energy to ensure that future generations don't pay for the mistakes of previous generations.

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