Archives for: December 2010
Happy New Year!

This is a wake-up call to anyone who doesn't think that government is going awry.
"No refusal" DUI checkpoints could be coming to Tampa
...the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration expects this to be one of the deadliest weeks of th… more »
When The Lights Go Down In The City...

This is what you get when you allow bureaucrats to draft a budget.
VISTA (AP) — To trim $9 million from their budget, Vista officials say they will shut off half of the city’s residential street lights in March unless property owners agree to pay h… more »
Reagan Was Right; He Warned of This His 1961 Operation Coffee Cup Campaign against Socialized Medicine

Transcript from Reagan's Operation Coffee Cup Campaign against Socialized Medicine.
Now in our country under our free-enterprise system we have seen medicine reach the greatest heights that it has in any country in the world. Today, the relationshi… more »
First The Internet, Then The World!

The UN has decided that it might be a good idea to "regulate" the internet? Let's see, where have we heard speech like this before?
WikiLeaks sparks push for tighter controls.
The United Nations is considering whether to set up an inter-governme… more »
Obama, A Burden or an Asset?

Obama campaigned with such vagueness that most people didn't know how he was going to lead. Once elected he began to lecture the country on what he considered important issues; these specifics opened the gate to criticism. His vagueness was his strong p… more »
When It Comes to Economics, Obama Is Like One Aspirin for A Migraine!

Obama is saying that tax cuts could create millions of jobs.
Angry House Democrats voted today to table a proposed tax cut extension that includes the nation's wealthiest Americans, even as President Obama said his deal with Republicans has "the po… more »
We're Back!
The CAPTCHA install went smoothly. That means I don't have to filter Viagra, Dutch Shoes and Web Hosting spam comments.
I don't want to miss any of the real comments, which are sometimes are very weird, like this one... This was a response from a Res… more »
>>> The Site Will Be Down This Weekend. <<<
I'm going to install a CAPTCHA to avoid spam emails. I should have the site back up by Monday the 13th. more »