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Happy New Year!

This is a wake-up call to anyone who doesn't think that government is going awry.
"No refusal" DUI checkpoints could be coming to Tampa

...the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration expects this to be one of the deadliest weeks of the year on the roads.
But now a new weapon is being used in the fight against drunk driving.
It's a change that could make you more likely to be convicted.
"I think it's a great deterrent for people," said Linda Unfried, from Mother's Against Drunk Driving in Hillsborough County.
Florida is among several states now holding what are called "no refusal" checkpoints.
It means if you refuse a breath test during a traffic stop, a judge is on site, and issues a warrant that allows police to perform a mandatory blood test.
It's already being done in several counties, and now Unfried is working to bring it to the Tampa Bay area.
Wow! That means that if a judge is on-site, you have no rights? At the bottom of a Florida driver license it says, "Operation of a motor vehicle constitutes consent to any sobriety test required by law". I seem to remember something about the 5th Amendment, it contained the phrase, "nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself". Unfried, a spokes person for MADD, goes on to say that the check points will be well advertised; as if that makes it OK.
We're talking about blood tests here. This means the the government will stick a needle in your arm and take your blood without your consent. This can be ordered right at the check point where there is no indication that any law was broken, no probable cause. Of course you can resist and be held in contempt of court; you will probably also be charged with resisting an officer, who knows.
In these cases a judge is basically revoking your freedom, without any proof of wrongdoing (without any due process). I'm not sure how long this practice will remain in effect before law suits stop it.
Compare this "no refusal" practice to the Arizona immigration law. All of the civil rights activists were up in arms about the Arizona law (which first required offenders to break the at lease some law before being questioned). What if the government set up illegal immigrant check points? What would the response be to that?
With so many looking to ring in the New Year with a glass of champagne, think twice about what roads you take. Which brings me to another point. If you're drunk just take a detour.
They are doing these no refusal checkpoints in Texas as well. Listen to this woman's speech to the legislature in Austin. She is brilliant!
Precedence is a very dangerous thing. The government could claim that ANYTHING they do is for the safety of others. Does that mean that there is no limit to what government can do? Think about that for a minute.
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Yeah the video you linked to is depressing. California, that's all I have to say...
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