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Forecasting a Presidential Address

Permalink 06/15/10 18:43, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics, Gulf Oil Spill

Thing that WILL be in the address tonight:

** Obama is going to announce that the oil spill is BP's fault.

** BP has to bear the entire cost of cleanup.

** Obama's team was there from the first day.

** We should suspend drilling in the gulf until we know what happened.

** The government is going to take over the job of claims on behalf of the Gulf Coast residents. The government will send BP the bill. I bet he says that.

** This outlines the need for an "Energy Reform Measure". Cap and Trade as it is correctly known.

** All energy companies should have to pay a new tax to fund alternative energy research.

** Oh, and it's BP's fault.

Things that will be MISSING from the address tonight:

** Why the head of the Minerals Management Service (MMS) resigned?

** Why the U.S. turned down offers from other countries to help in the containment of the spill?

** How if the U.S. government was on the seen the first day, that there was no initial government estimate of how much oil had leaked?

** How did the Well get a A+ safety rating from the (MMS)?

** Why did the President go into campaign mode (giving small speeches in different areas) after the spill? Why not address the nation at the time of the incident?

I thought that all of Bush's "oil buddies" were on Obama's hit list. I thought that Obama was elected to get rid of the "Bush oil cronies".

Alas we have this.

On May 19, 2010, Secretary Salazar ordered the fundamental restructuring of the MMS to be carried out in consultation with Congress. This action is the latest in a series of agency reforms Salazar has taken since January 2009, and will establish the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, and the Office of Natural Resources Revenue. These three bureaus will replace the Minerals Management Service.

The oil spill occurred on April 20 2010.

Well that ought to do the trick. Instead of one bureaucratic institution we will have three! That last one worries me a little. What the hell are they going to do --distribute revenue?

I guarantee that if the governemnt is going to take over the job of evaluating claims and BP will be given immunity from all lawsuits in relation to the oil spill. After all how can you sue BP when the federal government denies your claim? I wonder if those on the left will claim that Obama is in bed with BP. Hmm there was that whole campaign donation thing... Hmm...

In conclusion the oil spill was handled poorly by the Obama administration. It would be better for Obama politically to admit that he underestimated the problem and layout what steps they are taking to correct the problem. Remember how the media wanted Bush to admit mistakes? I doubt that will be the case here.

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1 comment

Comment from: Jill Farrar [Visitor] Email
Jill FarrarTaxing our sources of energy will result in innovation. Taxes are the universal action of all things Democrat. We all know that taxes result in innovation. Taxes = Innovation. Throw some confiscated money at the problem. Billions. Oil is bad. Wind is good. Solar is good. Throw money at it. All Obama knows to do. Tax and throw. Cap and tax.
06/16/10 @ 10:17

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