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Democrats say, "when the light hits 'Greene' STOP!"

Permalink 06/10/10 19:52, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, Fun, In real life, On the web, History, Politics

This has to be one of the most interesting stories I've seen in a while. This fellow Alvin Greene wins the Democrat primary for U.S. Senate in South Carolina --without even running a campaign!

These quotes are great!

"As far as we know he has done no campaigning," state party spokesperson Keiana Page said. "We have no idea how he won."

Here are some more.

"Many of us don't believe that he is representative of the values of the Democratic Party in South Carolina," state Rep. Bakari Sellers told CNN.

Sellers said Greene "looked long and hard at how African Americans and South Carolinians will be portrayed" around the country, but said he would remain a candidate. The election results become official at 3 p.m. on Thursday.

Both Rutherford and Sellers said they wanted to meet Greene out of "genuine concern" for his well-being, after his out-of-nowhere victory over Vic Rawl in Tuesday's Democratic primary attracted a flood of national attention.

"I feel like he is being exploited, like there is a joke going and he doesn't get it," said Rutherford, who did not press Greene to drop his bid. "It is troublesome at best. I think his mental capacity may prohibit him from getting the joke."

He said Greene should undergo "some sort of mental evaluation" if he is to continue in the campaign. If it turns out he is mentally impaired, Rutherford said, "we are all in on this exploitation of someone that is vulnerable."

Still, Rutherford said he came away from the meeting that Greene does have, in part, a real political agenda. "He thinks that African Americans are being rated unjustly by the justice system, which is true, and he thinks our state can do better."

So people in the Democrat party say about Greene "Many of us don't believe that he is representative of the values of the Democratic Party in South Carolina." On the contrary I think that he is a shining example of the Democrat voting base. This is like that movie with Chris Rock Head of State. I think this is great, because is shows who the Democrat electorate is made of (at least in SC). To make matters more interesting; Greene didn't win by a small margin. He held nearly 60% of the vote.

This is everything you need to know about how Obama was elected. A bunch of people, who have no idea what is "really" going on, run out and vote. They don't vote because they are worried about their future, they don't vote because they have a strong grasp of the issues, they vote because they think they are supposed to. It's that simple. At least that's my take on it.

The strange thing is; in order to explain away this event the Democrat leadership is coming up with ideas much worse than mine. Consider what Democrat party leaders are saying. They claim that it was anti-incumbent sentiment. They claim that his name was first in line on the ballet. They claim that he was a Republican plant.

Let's go with the first one. If it is just anti-incumbent sentiment, Vic Rawl is NOT an incumbent U.S. Senator.

What if his name was first on the ballet? Does that mean that the people of SC are so simple that they just fill in the first box every time? People voted for Vic Rawl in the State house. What were the names of his opponents then? I would assume he would have been at the bottom of the list then.

What if he was a Republican plant? Well that is even worse, because it shows that they knew ahead of time that they could run someone on the Democrat side without a campaign and win. That would mean that the people of SC are extremely predictable, and they want to oust the current Democrat.

Also, don't forget, Alvin Greene ran for U.S. Senate NOT State Senate! This was not a "local" election --it was state-wide.

I think that Vic Rawl lost because his name sounds too much like a pro wrestler. Alvin Greene sounds more like someone from SC.

Anyway, I can't wait for all of the Democrat pundits to try and pass this off as "anti-incumbent sentiment." This vote was a whole sale rejection of Obama's policies. The Obama administration has, so far, gotten what it's wanted. Now that people are waking up to what exactly Obama's policy entails they're rejecting it! It's really "Anti What's Happening Now In Washington Sentiment". It's not about partisanship, arguing or anything else. Honest people know what happened here.

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Comment from: Jill Farrar [Visitor]
Jill FarrarNow Dems are saying he is a Republican plant. He is a fluke. Dems are stupid to claim anti incumbent crap.
06/11/10 @ 12:19
Comment from: OGRE / (Jeff) [Member] Email
Me and My Giant Dollar Store GlassesRE: Jill

I love the anti-incumbent mess. It is an attempt to dismiss why there would be any anti-anything sentiment. People are against what is going on right now in Washington. That means that they are NOT in favor of Obama's policies.

The best part is that Vic Rawl isn't an incumbent! I think it's funny.
06/11/10 @ 14:27
Comment from: Greg [Visitor]
GregAnti-incumbant, to be sure. That Etheridge incident when he assaulted those students shows just how edgy incumbants, especially left-wingnut ones, are these days.
06/15/10 @ 18:51

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