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Just an observation...

Permalink 06/24/10 21:03, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics, Health Care, Gulf Oil Spill

I have been wondering what is happening here lately. There seems to be one disaster after another and nothing seems to be going right. Tragic things happen from time to time, but I have noticed a strange pattern lately. These tragedies are not being confronted by our leaders.

In life you have people who actually do work and you have those people who appear to be doing work. There are those people who can make other people feel accomplishment while doing tasks for someone else, sort of like Tom Sawyer. Obama is one of those people.

Obama's accomplishments are not reflective of his abilities. Obama didn't win his senate race in Illinois; his competitors were removed from the ballet (either by party decision or exposed corruption). Obama was once an editor of the Harvard Law Review, yet he can not pronounce corpsman. He refuses to hold press conferences and backs away when they ask hard questions. This is not very becoming of a leader.

Our president is someone who when singled out is not very impressive. He made a joke about The Special Olympics on The Tonight Show. There was the "Joe the Plumber" incident, just another example of what happens when Obama is not coached on what to say. Obama is an ideologue, he is not a leader.

Now that we have some serious disasters on our hands we are seeing that Obama doesn't really have the stomach to deal with them. We have a president who is pointing fingers of blame wherever possible. Obama still blames Bush for nearly every problem with the economy. We have the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and what do we hear from the White House? We hear finger pointing (while the administrations appointed head of the MMS resigns in the background). Then when there are hearings to determine the cause of the incident Obama criticizes the involved parties for finger pointing. As I said in an earlier post; leaders don't criticize --they lead.

When the president gives a speech about the oil spill; it's half "blaming BP" and half "we need to have a cap and trade system." He feels the need to point out that his science adviser is a Nobel Prize winner, as if it holds any credibility anymore. He knows that he is incapable of doing what is necessary, so he has to lash out. The American people can see right through this. Obama is largely ineffective when it comes to actual leadership. He has made the dire mistake of surrounding himself with like-minded (ineffective) people. The poll numbers reflect this.

Now that Obama is being tested; as Joe Biden pointed out, he's not looking so good.

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Comment from: Brian [Visitor]
Brian"Now that Obama is being tested [...] he's not looking so good."

Wasn't even looking good before being tested.
06/25/10 @ 22:01
Comment from: OGRE / (Jeff) [Member] Email
Me and My Giant Dollar Store GlassesBrian:

06/27/10 @ 21:18
Comment from: Greg [Visitor]
GregExcellent point: Obama does not compete. Instead, like psychotic madmen from the Middle East, he "wipes them from the face of the earth." He eliminates instead of stand head to head and toe to toe.

He works the system and has everything handed to him. He poses like he's there to "right the wrongs" of society, and yet he is the most privileged, spoiled, untested brat the White House has ever seen.

He's the first President I've actually LOATHED.
06/28/10 @ 12:37

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