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What does Fox News have in common those who oppose the White House?
It would seem that Fox News is the current target of the White House. One might wonder why. Of course the answer is simple. Fox News has shown (through Cable TV and the web) opinions that are contrary to that of the Obama administration.
It is interesting to see how the White House deals with dissent. Instead of having people from the administration go on Fox News and debate the issues, they try and delegitimize Fox News. This is no different than getting into an argument about a matter of historical fact. Sometimes one person says, “You’re too young. You don’t know what happened back then.” Of course attempting to pull age/rank is not a response; it’s an admission to defeat.
The fact that the White House believes that it has to stop a news agency is proof that the news agency is effective. The White House, wanting to stop a news agency by attempting to discredit it is proof that the news agency is reporting facts. If there were factual issues with Fox News' reporting, why has there been no direct debate amongst those on Fox News and those in the Obama administration?
Many people consider Fox News to be a completely right wing news agency. For those people I offer you this:

It's hard to believe, but Pink Eyes — a.k.a. Damian Abraham, the notoriously manic lead singer of Toronto hardcore band F---ed Up — has joined the ranks of Fox News commentators.
After two guest appearances on the ultra-conservative cable news network's early-morning show Red Eye, Abraham has been asked to come on the show more regularly.
So, we have "Pink Eyes" on Red Eye. But wait a minute! I was told that Fox News was a right wing echo chamber! If that was the case, why would they have so many liberals on their shows? Ever heard of Hannity and Colmes?
That's the problem with delegitimizing a TV news network. It's hard to do because you just bring it more viewers. Those viewers are going to see the liberals right next to the conservatives.
I'm afraid that the White House has lost this one.
The Obama administration on Thursday failed in its attempt to manipulate other news networks into isolating and excluding Fox News, as Republicans on Capitol Hill stepped up their criticism of the hardball tactics employed by the White House.
The Obama administration on Thursday tried to make "pay czar" Kenneth Feinberg available for interviews to every member of the White House pool except Fox News. The pool is the five-network rotation that for decades has shared the costs and duties of daily coverage of the presidency.
But the Washington bureau chiefs of the five TV networks consulted and decided that none of their reporters would interview Feinberg unless Fox News was included.
The administration relented, making Feinberg available for all five pool members and Bloomberg TV.
The pushback came after White House senior adviser David Axelrod told ABC News' "This Week" on Sunday that Fox News is not a real news organization and other news networks "ought not to treat them that way."
Media analysts cheered the decision to boycott the Feinberg interview unless Fox News was included, saying the administration's gambit was taking its feud with Fox News too far. President Obama has already declined to go on "Fox News Sunday," even while appearing on the other Sunday shows.
Perhaps the other major networks caught on to the fact that this was an attempt by the White House to silence the media. If they try to silence Fox News; who's next?
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What do we expect from liberals who use UN-elected judges to get their agendas passed because ELECTED representatives would never vote for it? Liberals can not tolerate dissent. They can not formulate a lucid argument to the conservative stances that abortion is murder, homosexuality is NOT genetically determined, "global warming" is a farce concocted by Al Gore and his ilk who stand poised to rake in billions with "green initiatives," the income tax is illegal, "multi-culturalism" is simply a euphemism for anti-God/anti-Christian/anti-American and really delegitimizes only Jews and Christians, etc ...
SO, since they do not have an argument that can stand the light of TRUTH, they cram their social agendas down our throats through the Judicial Branch of government, instead of the Constitutionally-mandated Legislative Branch.
It makes sense that they would respond to FoxNews this way. FoxNews is the ONLY news organization that tells the truth, exposes Obama's lies, distortions, Marxist and anti-Christian/anti-semitic/anti-American beliefs.
Criticism is especially difficult for Obama, who is not only a radical Marxist Liberal, but a narcissist to the extreme. To Obama, "der Messiah," criticism is tantamount to blasphemy. No rationale is required for "excommunicating" FoxNews. "God" has spoken. Off with their heads!

What if Reagan had banned ABC, or tried to pass legislation that would mandate government intrusion into the editorial content of PBS (the liberals are trying this by resusitating the so-called "Fairness Doctrine"), or attempted to dictate otherwise free-market operations of the internet under the deceptively good-sounding camouflaging lingo of "net neutrality?" I mean, my word, we can not even get an impeached liberal president (Clinton), who used his powers to block the constitutionally-guaranteed rights to justice in a court of law, removed from office!
It is, of course, a rhetorical question.

Here's an op-ed on the situation:
There's two things at play here. The obvious are the parallels with the current "health care reform" debates. This issue underscores the dismal reality of "government-run schools" (i.e., the "public option") and how government-run health care is guaranteed to destroy the best health care system (flawed, admittedly) the world has ever known.
However, it seems that the deeper issues at stake for Obama is the protection of the Teacher's Unions (read votes), and the continued consolidation of power under the Federal "umbrella" of power. Obama wants control of everything, including the schools. No private schools allowed. In fact, no private ANYTHING. If Obama had his way, private schools [health care, ownership, FILL_IN_THE_BLANK] would be "wiped off the face of the earth," to use a phrase from his "buddy" over in Iran.
This latest overreach of executive power, via the office of U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, is just another example of how this administration does not care about the Constitution's Freedom of Speech Right, nor about the Constitution at all. The Socialist Utopia (the elites have everything and dictate all and the remaining 99.8% are essentially working slaves) is all that matters.
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