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Halloween is Coming, Get Your Costume Ready

Permalink 10/19/09 14:16, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Fun, In real life, On the web

I saw this and couldn't resist myself. I can't think of any reason why this costume would anger anyone.

Now, if the alien was wearing a sombrero and a mustache, I could see where some people might get offended.

People need to lighten up. It's like the boy who cried wolf. If these "immigrant rights groups" cry every time the word alien comes around, nobody will listen. I stopped listening when they had the immigrant parades in 2006. A day without immigrants. You know, the one where the majority of the crowds were waving flags from other countries, while at the same time screaming for rights here in the U.S.

You can see, from the above images, that the people at these rallies really love The United States of America. Notice the sign that says "Full Rights for All Immigrants." If that were the case, why would anyone become a U.S. citizen? Oh that's right --these people don't want to be U.S. citizens.

I think that the alien costume is far less offensive than these images from A Day Without Immigrants 2006.

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Comment from: Greg (athrillofhope) [Visitor]
Greg (athrillofhope)Gee, here I go again with my non-stop "One World Government" ranting and foaming at my mouth ... :)

What do we make of this "illegal alien debate?" Let's forego the "One World Agenda" perspective for a bit and focus on the rhetoric used by the pro-illegals, which basically is: "YOU ARE A RACIST!"

Hmmm. Let's try to connect the dots. Pro-LEGAL immigration states that anyone, from anywhere, can enter the United States IF THEY FOLLOW OUR IMMIGRATION LAWS.

No racism there. Does not matter if you come from Germany, Egypt, or Mexico. EVERYONE is treated EQUALLY.

Their use of the race card underscores their disrespect for the United States and our Rule Of Law. The irony of this is (probably 'unbeknownst' to them) that it is this very U.S. Rule Of Law that makes the United States so attractive to come to and provides the very way of life they are seeking. To put it another way: the request to ignore the illegality of these aliens perpetrates the lawlessness (in the case the Central America) that they are escaping from their own countries.

In the "Big Picture" (could not end with the One World comment), this lawlessness being ignored by our government is simply from the One World Government playbook. The One World goal for North America is to merge Canada, the U.S. and Mexico in a single "regional entity" with a single currency (perhaps called the "amerio"). This is what is happening right now in Europe, as we all know. Eventually, each region of former-nations will be merged into a single One World Entity.

Why would the Globalists who own our government do anything to preserve any semblence of "nation state sovereignty?"
10/22/09 @ 13:40

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