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Obama, Just let it fly!

Permalink 10/13/09 07:22, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, In real life, On the web

This is not a surprise.

So Obama wants to change the country. We're here to change the country, right? I ask one simple question, "change the country into what?"

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Comment from: Greg (athrillofhope) [Visitor]
Greg (athrillofhope)You ask the correct question. This is one of the key questions that THINKING people were trying to convey to the NON-thinking masses who voted for this socialist anti-American.

Change for change's sake? Why?

Obama has answered the question of what he wants to change the country into. Just like Hitler outlined everything he did in his autobiography "Mein Kampf," before he did it, Obama has "told" us via hidden video of secret speeches, as well as interviews years before he ran for President, that he fully intends to hasten the speed of which the U.S. economy is destroyed via over-taxation and over-burdening the welfare system, in order to realize the socialist utopian "One World Order."

(The main difference between Hitler and Obama, I guess, is that narcissist Hilter at least actually wrote his autobiography, but narcissist Obama had to have an anti-American terrorist, Mr. Ayers from the Weather Underground, to write Obama's "autobiography.")

Obama has had interviews where he clearly stated he is for "single payer health reform" that would eliminate private enterprise and competition from the health industry and destroy the best health industry the world has ever known. Obama has made clear in pre-election "town halls" he is a Marxist who wants to "redistribute the wealth" to people who do not want to work. Obama has made it clear, via hidden cameras, during a speech to the bigots in San Francisco that he is white-hating racist who is deeply prejudiced about the "whites" living in rural areas of the U.S..

You are exactly correct: "this is no surprise." This is just one more uncovered video or audio tape of Obama as who he REALLY is.
10/13/09 @ 11:05
Comment from: Kerry [Visitor]
KerryYea, unfortunately he is changing the country, he is dismantling it piece by piece.
10/28/09 @ 08:01

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