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Obama is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
The committee said he won for efforts to boost diplomacy and co-operation.
"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," the Norwegian committee said in a statement.
"His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population."
Since when does a U.S. president govern based on "values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population?"
So, the Nobel Committee believes that to lead the world, you must do so through consensus. That consensus being based primarily in countries other than the one Obama took an oath to protect. After all the U.S. doesn't represent a majority of the worlds population. So if Obama were to govern based on the world's consensus; the U.S. citizens would have much less pull when compared with the rest of the world.
Asked why the prize had been awarded to Mr Obama less than a year after he took office, Nobel Committee head Thorbjoern Jagland said: "It was because we would like to support what he is trying to achieve".
So Obama is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for things he has not yet done. Does this not illustrate the illegitimacy the Nobel Committee?
Obama's response is rather strange:
"I know that throughout history the Nobel Peace Prize has not just been used to honour specific achievements," he said.
"It's also been used as a means to give momentum to a set of causes. And that is why I will accept this award as a call to action, a call for all nations to confront the common challenges of the 21st Century."
How exactly is a prize awarded to Obama "a call for all nations to confront the common challenges of the 21st Century?" Were all other world leaders sitting on their hands until the moment that Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? This is absurd.
The real reasoning behind this award is that Obama is currently, and will continue, to weaken the United States. Obama's policies have, and will reduce the United States' influence globally.
What do you think?
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I don't think there is a problem with Obama being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The surrounding circumstances are what make people question what is going on. Most people are awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for something they have accomplished. So I ask, "What has Obama accomplished with respect to world peace?"

I first read about the prize on a FB post. I thought it was a joke, seriously. The (I think it was CNN?) article plus reader comments was pretty enlightening.
So, was American Idol nominated for bringing so many television viewers together?

This is an exact quote from what, I believe, is the Nobel Prize Committee's own website. So they admit that this is a subjective, political decision that has nothing to do with reality or accomplishment.
Historically, the committee that selects the "Peace" prize winner consists exclusively of left-wing socialist utopists (currently represented by Thorbjoern Jagland, 58, a former socialist prime minister of Norway [ http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/peace-prize-becomes-a-travesty-20091011-gs9f.html ]). It's no wonder they select only left-wing icons whenever a political figure is the recipient of their award.
The other two sitting U.S. presidents who have won this prize were architects of the conspiracy (excuse me, but that's what it is) to undermine the U.S. by destroying its economy and forming a One World Currency: Theodore Roosevelt (1906) and Woodrow Wilson (1919).
Roosevelt was a key force in the U.S. adoption of the Marxist "progressive taxation" model on income. Wilson oversaw the formation of the Federal Reserve, the orchestrator of the Great Depression, the current U.S. economic crisis, and all those in between (after which sweeping socialist and communist economic policy changes have been trumpeted as the "solution").
Former President Jimmy Carter, as mentioned by previous posters on this site, won in 2002 for the express purpose of (and in the words of the Nobel Committee itself) "kicking George Bush in the leg". Likewise, former Vice President Al Gore won in 2007 for his work on "climate change."
No accomplishment necessary (has our climate changed?). They won because their POLITICS line up with the left-wing/One World Globalist ideologies of the Norweigian Nobel Prize Committee.
How about the merits of conservative ideology that acknowledges the true about corrupted human nature and thereby posits that "Peace" is not the absence of conflict but the presence of justice and righteousness? That peace is better obtained by a "balance of power," of having the military ability to preserve one's freedom and liberty, and not by acquiescing to global tyranny?
Since when is true peace the denial of the true nature of Islam and the subsequent appeasement of Islamic terrorists for the temporary halt on violence? Since when is true peace the denial that the "human carbon footprint" is next to ZERO and the subsequent "global green policies" of population control, forced sterilizations, forced abortion, force genocide, and a police state to ensure social compliance?
I do not see anything that the Nobel Peace Committee, like all globalist utopians, is doing as having anything to do with "global peace." Not TRUE peace, anyway. I just see it as another political machine to hoodwink the masses via contrived environmental and economic "crises" into acquiescing personal liberties and accepting world-wide tyranny.

The nomination was withdrawn a few days later. However, the nomination was telling. Why would an extreme left-wing group of elitists nominate an extreme right-wing statesman? Because of the inherent socialism that defines the extremes at each end of the political spectrum. The Nobel Committee, historically, awards politically-correct THINKING, not the realization of true and lasting peace.

I agree with you. The entire idea that the Nobel Peace Prize has anything to do with peace is a joke. I also read about Wilson and Roosevelt. Much of what was once considered lunacy or conspiracy is not becoming truth. Who would have believed 1 year ago that GM would be 60% government owned...?

A final note on Woodrow Wilson (Nobel Peace Prize Winner in 1919), overseer of the creation of the Federal Reserve. The diabolically evil inherent in the Federal Reserve revolves around (and I'm no banker, so forgive me) "fractional reserve lending," I believe.
Basically, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 moved the U.S. currency off the gold standard and into the hands of private, globalist, central bankers who now have the ability to print money, literally, out of thin air. They then--and this is key--lend our own money to us at interest.
What this means is that the U.S. government (i.e., U.S. taxpayer) will always be in debt to these private, one-world bankers. Once the U.S. government forfeited its right to print its own money, it ensured slavery for its citizens. It works like this: the U.S. borrows $100 (of its own money, mind you) at interest. It needs to pay back $105. Where does that $5 interest come from now? Since the U.S. government no longer owns its own currency, it must borrow that extra $5 interest FROM THE GLOBALIST CENTRAL BANK.
However, that $5 is borrowed AT INTEREST. So, now the U.S. government owes the globalist, central bank--not $105--but $105.50 (or whatever). It must now borrow another $0.50, and on and on and on ... The key point is: under the Federal Reserve, the U.S. government will NEVER BE OUT OF DEBT.
This is what Woodrow Wilson did to us. This makes it easy to see the diabolical evil inherent in One World Government and One World Currency. No ownership, all slavery, complete indebtedness, no freedom.
Is it any stretch to believe that the same central bankers who control the U.S. currency, the E.U. and its Euro (which was their brainchild, of course) do not also control the Nobel Committee via financing, connections, controlling who staffs the Commmittee? Perhaps this is crazy of me, but it's no stretch to me to see the Nobel Committee and its "prize" as anything more than just one of the PR arms of the One World Bankers who control pretty much everything else.

You know who this guy was, right (he died in 2004)? He was the President of the Palestinian National Authority (PLO). He was THE FATHER OF MODERN TERRORISM. He is the mass murderer of untold thousands of innocence men, women, and children.
Furthermore, nearly all terrorist movements and organizations in existence today find their origins in the teachings and organizing efforts of Yassar Arafat.
Had to add this one in. THE creator of modern terrorism, the practices of violence that go back decades, the murderer of untold thousands of innocent people: Yassar Arafat, was awarded the Nobel Prize.
It was in conjunction with then Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and then-Foreign Minister of Israel, Shimon Peres. But that only adds evidence to the assertion that the Nobel Committee does not award actual results for TRUE peace. Rather, it uses the award to influence opinion and political movements. In this case, to soften Israeli defense policies toward the PLO on one hand, and to camouflage a mass murderer's deeds in order to advance an anti-Jewish worldview, on the other.
Basicallly, the Nobel Peace Prize is nothing more than propaganda.

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