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Political Science... I Wouldn't Call It That

Permalink 10/26/09 01:09, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, In real life, On the web

Why is it that so many political science majors are left leaning? Could it be that they don't look at politics as a battle of ideas, or is it because they want to shape something?

I have read many articles where Obama is compared to Reagan. Not a single one of them made since until this one.

John Geer, a Vanderbilt University political scientist, said the comparisons to Carter are weak.

The more analogous comparison so far, Geer said, is to Reagan, who also entered the White House with a full plate of foreign policy problems -- mostly surrounding the Cold War -- and a major economic crisis at hand.

Reagan was a gifted politician, Geer said. He was known as an inspiring communicator, and his appeal crossed party lines. Like Obama, polls showed that Reagan was more popular than his policies. More than 20 years after he left the White House, Republicans still look to him as the last great face of the party.

In his book "The Audacity of Hope," Obama wrote that although he and Reagan had differing political viewpoints, he understands the Republican president's appeal.

"Reagan spoke to America's longing for order, our need to believe that we are not simply subject to blind, impersonal forces but that we can shape our individual and collective destinies, so long as we rediscover the traditional values of hard work, patriotism, personal responsibility, optimism, and faith," he wrote.

Obama completely missed why Reagan had appeal. If you pay attention to the above quote you will notice that something is missing. FREEDOM. Obama mentions nothing of freedom in his recollection of Reagan.
With all of the times Reagan spoke of freedom, it seems hard to me for someone to have missed that. Reagan had appeal because he believed in what he was saying and it was easily noticeable.

Now this makes more sense to me. Obama didn't agree with anything that Reagan stood for; he simply admired his ability to communicate --that's it.

Obama is like a history major who only remembers dates, but can't tell you why anything happened. Without substance, acknowledgment of events is completely useless. So, if Obama resembles Reagan in any way, how come his answers to similar problems are to do the exact opposite of Reagan? When, in fact, Reagan's policies worked.

So, is Obama lying every time he speaks of personal responsibility? Take, for example, Obama's speech to the school children. The speech to school children did not coincide in anyway with Obama's policy. How can one speak of personal responsibility and not mention freedom? If Obama believed in what he was saying, he wouldn't be attempting to take control of so many aspects of individuals' lives.

Obama did exactly what I thought he would. He gave a conservative speech to school children to help mask his intentions. Say one thing, do another. This is where media needs to step up and stop shielding Obama. If he is such a genius, let him stand on his own. Report what is known, and let things play out in the open.

Remember what the Obama administration tried to do to Fox News? If any United States administration tries to silence the media, there is cause for immediate concern. If this administration gets its way, journalism will be completely and finally dead.

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