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Late Knife Posting...

Permalink 10/02/09 01:55, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, In real life, On the web

I found this to be quite interesting. Remember how they made handguns illegal in nearly every part of the UK? This is the next step.

A task force of young anti-knife crime campaigners has been set up by the Home Office.

Ministers have also launched a new set of adverts designed to turn young people away from knife crime.

Home Office minister David Hanson said: "The vast majority of young people are honest and law-abiding and won't tolerate violence in their neighbourhood.

"This campaign targets the small minority who break the law. We are sending out a clear message that people who break the law and continue to carry offensive weapons will face tough penalties."

In addition, two television and online adverts will feature the testimonials of inmates at a young offenders institute serving sentences for knife offences.

The advert will run on youth websites and TV music channels including Kiss, 4 Music and the Box.

And a music video called Don't Shank Just Skank, featuring members of the taskforce and artists including Donaeo, Rollin' G, and DJ Luck and MC Neat, aims to spread the anti-knife message through music and dance.

"We wanted to show that more young people are anti-knife than pro-knife, which is why we've all teamed up on this track."

It Doesn't Have to Happen supports the work of the government's Tackling Knives Action Programme (TKAP) in England and Wales.

Earlier in the summer the Home Office said the number of knife deaths in areas targeted by the scheme had risen.

In nine months, 126 people died after being attacked with a knife or other sharp object - seven more than in the same period the previous year.

Overall knife-related violence fell by 10%, but the number of deaths among teenagers remained unchanged.

I find this to be amazing. Guns are virtually illegal; so, people move to the next best weapon. Knives. What are they going to ban next, toothbrushes?

Did any of these people ever stop to think that the issue with violence has nothing to do with the weapon being used. The simple fact that people moved from guns to knives should have brought this to light. The 16-year-old boy, Derrion Albert, who was beaten to death in Chicago was hit in the head with a 2x4. Rocks are also a very effective weapon. Where does this end, and when do people stop looking for some "magical" outside force for the source all of their problems?

When society fosters collectivism instead of individualism, this is the outcome. The end result is people who will attempt to blame everything on someone, or something else. This, shifting of blame, is a requirement when living in an undesirable situation. How else can one be content with their own ill-conceived actions? If anyone "really" wants to make things better for themself, they have to take responsibility for their actions. If they do, people will expect more of them, and they might be held accountable. In a collective society accountability is a negative thing. Collectivism requires people to remain in a child-like state, for their entire lives. The problem is that when these adult-aged children don't play well you can't just take their toys away.

A perfect example is at the end of the article where it states, "Overall knife-related violence fell by 10%, but the number of deaths among teenagers remained unchanged." Removing the one instrument required to kill will only result in the use of another instrument of some kind. Censuring inanimate objects makes absolutely no sense.

As I said in a previous post. These violence issues are individual issues. Parents are the only way to solve this. If the parents don't care for these kids, why should anyone else? I would assume that these kids see this the same way. Perhaps that's why the kids themselves don't care.

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Comment from: Brian [Visitor]
BrianMy Aussie friend Kerrie has been living in London for several years now, and she'll tell you that the fear of knife violence is rather real, and not just a political bludgeon for gun advocates.
10/02/09 @ 05:20
Comment from: OGRE / (Jeff) [Member] Email
Me and My Giant Dollar Store GlassesI know that knife violence in the UK is a problem. It illustrates how the weapon of choice has nothing to do with the underlying problem. I think you misunderstood my point here... I'm not advocating guns, or knives. I'm simply pointing out that all of these "anti-whatever" efforts are illogical. They dance around a problem, because nobody want to deal with the real problem. The real problem can only be addressed on an individual basis. This cannot be legislated, or mandated. Politicians and government groups generate these sorts of efforts to make it look like their doing something to address the issue, when in fact they are not, and never have been. The government is not in a position to change hearts and minds...
10/02/09 @ 08:50
Comment from: Brian [Visitor]
BrianI got what you were saying, and I was just saying in turn, hey it isn't bullshit.
I disagree though that the government is not in a position to change hearts and minds-that is exactly the position they are in, even if it means forcing you to change yours against your will. ;)
10/03/09 @ 18:58
Comment from: Greg (athrillofhope) [Visitor]
Greg (athrillofhope)Here are two stories that continue with your theme that once you misplace the true source of violence, there will be no end to the irrationality that ensues:,2933,564605,00.html?loomia_ow=t0:s0:a16:g12:r1:c0.342363:b28285484:z10,2933,565520,00.html

In each story, an innocent young person (one is SIX years old! and the other is an Eagle Scout, both academically excellent with no prior record of anything) is suspended from school for allegedly “possessing a knife.” As you assert, the true source of violence is not an inanimate object (be it a knife, gun, club, ice pick, whatever …). Violence is a moral crisis that germinates in the heart of a free moral agent—in our case—a member of the human race.

Just to beat a dead horse: does the gun/knife/club/ice pick “commit murder?” If yes, then let’s give that object a trial. Seriously. You see how quickly it becomes evident how ridiculous the assertion, that violence is committed by an inanimate object, is.

Here’s an “inconvenient” truth for these Nazi-social engineers: the population centers with the strictest gun control laws have, by far, the highest incident of rape, murder, and muggings. That would be Washington, D.C. and London, just to name two. Why is this? Because when the true nature of corrupt human nature is ignored, criminals gravitate toward UN-armed victims instead of areas where the chances are good they may get their heads blown off for perpetrating a rape or break-in.

Simple logic to you and me. However, this truth is not something that really matters when you are a “legislator” trying, like Hitler and Stalin and Castro and Chavez, to disarm your citizens in order to ensure your (soon-to-be) Police State will not be countered by forceful dissent.

But, as usual, I digress. The topic at hand is how inanimate objects are not the problem. People (free moral agents) are. When liberals confuse (deliberately or otherwise) the person from the crime (or lack thereof), this is the insanity we get: six-year olds being suspended for having a pocket eating kit that consists of eating utensils like a fork and spoon and—GOD FORBID CALL OUT THE TROOPS AND TIE DOWN THAT SIX YEAR OLD CHILD—a knife.

No distinction is made between what is in the heart of the person of interest and the action (or lack thereof). It’s one thing to remove the “offending object” from school premises. It’s quite another to treat the child as a criminal, as if they had already assaulted someone or even intended to.

And now we get spooky: is it a coincidence that both young people in these two stories are model students? I thought it was “wrong” to perform racial or sexual profiling, you know, that highly successful practice used by the FBI and CIA to prevent MALE persons of MIDDLE EASTERN descent from hopping on airplanes with one-way tickets. Nope. Can’t do that any longer. That would be admitting that some cultures are MORALLY SUPERIOR to others—namely, Christian-based America versus Islam-based Middle Eastern ones. That would never jive with that phony, anti-Christian “multiculturalism” being taught in schools these days.

But there’s no issue with banning WHITE, GOD AND COUNTRY LOVING MALES from society, it seems. Yes, I’m saying that this “multiculturalism” that is behind these events is bigoted, racist, anti-Christian and anti-American.
10/15/09 @ 17:13

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