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For the first time EVER: Obama might actually have TO apologize to America, not FOR America
Seen here, Obama is fighting hard to bring the Olympics home to Chicago in 2016.

The coverage surrounding this event is quite telling.
Obama will attend the final presentation on Oct. 2 before the International Olympic Committee for the bid by his adopted hometown of Chicago, Jarrett said in an interview.
“It strengthens our bid,” she said. “There is nothing like the president expressing what it means to him.”
Chicago is competing against Madrid, Rio de Janeiro and Tokyo. Organizers of the U.S. bid had been lobbying the White House to have Obama make the final pitch, although the president had previously said he was too busy with the battle in Congress over health-care legislation.
“President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama symbolize the hope, opportunity and inspiration that makes Chicago great, and we are honored to have two of our city’s most accomplished residents leading our delegation in Copenhagen,” Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley said in a statement issued by the Chicago 2016 bid committee.
“President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama will both make presentations to the IOC during Friday’s session,” the White House said in a statement. “They will discuss why Chicago is best to host the 2016 Summer Games, and how the United States is eager to bring the world together to celebrate the ideals of the Olympic movement.”
I didn't know that the Olympics were about Obama. I thought that the Olympics were for everyone. Did anyone really think that the Olympic committee wanted to hear about what the Olympics mean to Obama? If Obama were not the President of The United States, this would be hilarious.
This goes back to the story about the speech to school children. Remember the original lesson plan? What can your child do for the president? Does your child understand what the president is doing for him, or her? EVERYTHING is about Obama ALL THE TIME.
Why is everything so personal with this president?
Chicago had seemed to pick up momentum in the last few days, with many IOC members seemingly charmed by Mrs. Obama, who came to Copenhagen ahead of her husband. But when IOC president Jacques Rogge announced the first vote's results, while the Obamas were flying home on Air Force One, Chicago was out.
In making his pitch, the president had said that a nation shaped by the people of the world "wants a chance to inspire it once more." Never before had a U.S. president made such an in-person appeal, and Obama's critics will doubtlessly see the vote as a sign of his political shortcomings.
"I urge you to choose Chicago," Obama told members of the International Olympic Committee, many of whom he later mingled with as some snapped photos of him on their cell phones.
"And if you do — if we walk this path together — then I promise you this: The city of Chicago and the United States of America will make the world proud," the president said.
Chicago was voted out immediately. This is simply embarrassing. But like Robert Gibbs so often reminds us "Obama won the election."
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