Category: Politics
Obama, A Burden or an Asset?

Obama campaigned with such vagueness that most people didn't know how he was going to lead. Once elected he began to lecture the country on what he considered important issues; these specifics opened the gate to criticism. His vagueness was his strong p… more »
When It Comes to Economics, Obama Is Like One Aspirin for A Migraine!

Obama is saying that tax cuts could create millions of jobs.
Angry House Democrats voted today to table a proposed tax cut extension that includes the nation's wealthiest Americans, even as President Obama said his deal with Republicans has "the po… more »
---> MUSLIM <--- Teenager Tries To Set Off Bomb At Christmas Tree Lighting !

This is why we need profiling.
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Undercover agents in a sting operation arrested a Somali-born teenager just as he tried blowing up a van full of what he believed were explosives at a crowded Christmas tree lighting ceremony… more »
North Korea Laughs At U.S. Inaction.

North Korea has fired shells into South Korea.
The firing comes after Kim Jong-Un, the little-known youngest son of ailing North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il, was officially recognised as his father's eventual successor.
It would seem that Ki… more »
The TSA is ready to touch your "Junk"

There is much speculation as to why people are fed up with the TSA and their searching techniques. Most of these involve privacy issues like the "If you touch my junk, I'll have you arrested" guy, John Tyner.
I believe that the real problem lies in t… more »