Category: Politics
Here's a Little Straight Talk About The Debt Ceiling

Jay Carney came out today telling reporters what they can and can't do.
Obama chafes at the time-honored practice of answering questions shouted at him during pooled, non-press conference events — and his staff has often opted for “stills sprays,”… more »
"Tammy Faye Boehner" Indeed!
If Speaker Boehner agrees to an increase in the debt limit now; he exemplifies the lack of leadership that got Obama elected in the first place.
When the majority of Americans are behind you; you, Speaker Boehner, still can't do what you know is righ… more »
Pat Buchanan Sums Up The Debt Ceiling Debate

This article goes a long way towards explaining what's really going on. Even still, Buchanan forgets to point out one of the most important facts. The nation doesn't default on the debt until we stop paying interest on the debt. The national equivalent… more »
Whitehouse Twitter Town Hall, Obama is Too Long-Winded
Obama's Twitter town hall turned out to be a little awkward. As it turns out Obama didn't do the typing. The man who was typing quickly became fatigued because there was no "Uhh" key on the keyboard. Also many of the answers were too long to squeeze int… more »
Sarah Palin is The Real Deal

Palin, I believe, is honest in her concern for the United States and wants to help put things back in order.
Recently there has been a ridiculous media blitz trying to find something that Palin has said, or emailed that might be used against her. A f… more »