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Here's a Little Straight Talk About The Debt Ceiling

Jay Carney came out today telling reporters what they can and can't do.
Obama chafes at the time-honored practice of answering questions shouted at him during pooled, non-press conference events — and his staff has often opted for “stills sprays,” excluding print reporters or TV cameras who might capture Obama in the less than flattering non-act of snubbing a query.
Translation: We can't let reporters document what Obama really thinks.
When asked today why TV crews and print reporters were barred from the pool covering the White House meeting with congressional leaders on the deficit, Carney responded by pointing out that the administration has held two press conferences in the past two weeks and allowed TV cameras into the spray earlier this week.
"People shouted questions at him," Carney said. He then added, "The purpose of the meeting is not to create a circus, but to negotiate, so today we're doing stills only."
I only hope that Carney does not expect to be taken seriously here. This whole debt ceiling mess is a circus --that's the whole point. Think about it for a minute. Why would Obama be pushing so hard for tax increases that little effect the debt ceiling in any way. Why would he be so invested in trying to get people to hate those who own private jets? Why would he talk of "shared sacrifice" and all that jazz? Why would you threaten seniors by telling them that their Social Security checks might not go out? That's not the move of someone that's trying to stay low if you ask me.
Based on what I know; here is the real deal. Obama knows that the tax increases won't serve any purpose, he just wants Republicans to cave. That's it. There is nothing else to it. Obama is pushing to get the Republicans to agree to some deal with tax increases, either in the form of "closing loopholes" or allowing cuts to expire. Democrats know that their base doesn't pay attention to detail, but the Republican base and Tea Party groups do. Once the Republicans cave, their base becomes angry, and they loose votes. It's that simple.
This is indeed a bluff. If Republicans have any sense they will see this for exactly what it is.
Also pay attention to how every story speaks of possible doom, but nobody gets specific. Funny how that works isn't it. The press says, "We know it's going to be bad, but we don't know how. We can just feel it..."
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