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"Tammy Faye Boehner" Indeed!

Permalink 07/10/11 14:41, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, Politics, U.S. Economy

If Speaker Boehner agrees to an increase in the debt limit now; he exemplifies the lack of leadership that got Obama elected in the first place.

When the majority of Americans are behind you; you, Speaker Boehner, still can't do what you know is right! What more does it take? I predict that Republicans WILL CAVE and raise the debt limit.

The debt limit is a ruse anyway, it's just an arbitrary number. If the debt limit can be raised indefinitely by legislative action alone; where is the limiting factor? The debt limit is a measure of how far into the future we are willing to borrow. I would let the debt reach the limit. Once everyone sees that it's not the end of the world; Obama won't have anything to stand on. I say reach the limit and invalidate everything Obama has said on the issue. There should be no increase in the debt limit, only spending cuts. If there can't be spending cuts alone (without a debt limit increase) then there will never be an end to the debt limit increases.

This is a "make it or break it" moment. Let's hope that the Republicans don't break it.

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Comment from: Kathy [Visitor]
KathyI don't understand why we continue to give aid to other countries, most of whom hate us, when we are unable to balance our own budget. Let alone, take care of our own.
07/12/11 @ 23:15
Comment from: OGRE / (Jeff) [Member] Email
Me and My Giant Dollar Store GlassesKathy:

I think US foreign aid policy confuses most people. Most politicians would say that it's a necessary evil and that those countries receiving our aid would be worse off otherwise. The sad truth is that most of the time the money goes to some dictator and is never used for its intended purpose.

That being said; it's more like paying people to keep quiet. If we fund the dictators they don't start wars with their neighbors. Look at North Korea. When they are doing poorly economically what do they do? They start threatening stability in the region. What does the US do? We give them money to simmer down... It's like a global shakedown.

The truth is that we don't spend that much money on foreign aid comparatively, it's just the principle of it that irks people. At some point I think it will start to drop off.

The Democrats aren't going to do anything about entitlement spending (it's their voter base), you would think that they would through foreign aid under the bus before warning about food safety. But a cut in foreign aid doesn't scare their voter base, food safety does...
07/13/11 @ 19:09

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