Category: Politics
Obama Can't Help but Further Destabilize the Region

Obama Throwing Missile at Syria
Obama noted that there is a red line that Syria must not cross, or there will be enormous consequences.
On Syria, obviously this is a very tough issue. I have indicated repeatedly that President al-Assad has los… more »
It's HIGH TIME Pot is Legalized! Well Sort Of...

Uncle Sam Smoking a Joint
Well it's official. The Fed is not going to enforce the law. Pot smokers don't have to worry anymore because if their state passes a law legalizing pot then it's a-l-l g-o-o-d m-a-n...
I don't smoke pot so I don't r… more »
Russia's New Law Protecting The Rights of The LGBT Community

Gay Protesters Face Prosecution in Russia
Russia is not the kind of place where openly homosexual individuals can display their affection in public. One Russian lawmaker has passed a law banning "propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations." For so… more »
Being Taken for A Ride

There was a point when I thought that some people were simply not paying attention.
Now that the Obama administration's true character is becoming publicly visible; there is no way that the American people can honestly look at all of the insanely obt… more »
Sequestration Frustration!

Budget Control Act of 2011
Before you freak out you should see what's really going on here. First we have to go over Baseline Budgeting. In a nutshell the government forecasts an increase in the budget of (7)% each year.
The Deficit Control Act… more »