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Let's Face The Truth Head-on

Permalink 04/15/24 20:56, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, Politics, U.S. Economy

The WHO isn't going to stop, and the WHO's largest funder is the US government.

The WHO also has a system to determine, "which diseases pose the greatest public health risk due to their epidemic potential and/or whether there is no or insufficient countermeasures."

The list was first published in 2017 and the last prioritization exercise was done in 2018. The current list includes COVID-19, Crimean-Cong haemorrhagic fever, Ebola virus disease and Marburg virus disease, Lassa fever, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Nipah and henipaviral diseases, Rift Valley fever, Zika and Disease X.

“This list of priority pathogens has become a reference point for the research community on where to focus energies to manage the next threat,” said Dr Soumya Swaminathan, WHO Chief Scientist. “It is developed together with experts in the field, and is the agreed direction for where we—as a global research community—need to invest energy and funds to develop tests, treatments and vaccines. We thank our donors like the US government, our partners, and the scientists who work with WHO to make this possible.”

Once again, the idea being that they are going to catch the next disease that has pandemic potential. The "Minority Report" version of "The Science," where people are able to somehow guess which viral pathogen is going to jump from an animal host to a human.

I don't think that determining which disease might jump from animal to human is even possible. I don't believe that those at the WHO believe it's possible either. It just looks good on paper, sounds scary, and will make governments spend money.

Why do I believe this? Because of the WHO's discussions around COVID-19 and the pandemic's global impacts. The discussions have nothing to do with science.

The key giveaway in all of this is the proposed answer to what happened during the COVID-19 scare.


In a little over 12 months the pandemic has claimed more than 2 million lives and damaged the economic and social fabric of every society. Across the world the pandemic has thrown existing inequalities into stark relief. Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals has stalled, and in some cases may have reversed. Up to 100 million people have slipped into extreme poverty – the first rise in global poverty in more than two decades.


Global collaboration and solidarity
continues to be critical

Up to 100 million people may have already slipped back into extreme poverty in 2020: the first rise in global poverty in more than two decades. A study commissioned by the International Chamber of Commerce concluded that even with high vaccine coverage in high-income countries, restricted [vaccine] coverage elsewhere would cost high-income economies an additional US$ 2.4 trillion in 2021 alone. The evidence is clear: solidarity and equity are the only routes out of the pandemic.

Solidarity and equity are going to get us out of the pandemic? I thought we need to prepare for Disease X. We could have another pandemic right?

Why is the WHO worried about the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals — and lists their stalled progress as one of the biggest setbacks caused by COVID-19? Wouldn't you imagine that the World (H-E-A-L-T-H) Organization would be more concerned about -- world health?

Why should we listen to people who are obviously aren't concerned with what they want us to be concerned with.

The WHO is very busy making sure that a vaccine/health passport system is in place though, another non-scientific endeavor. Vaccine passports were decided at the G20 Summit a few years back. They're coming no matter what.

The truth is that the entire world is being corralled into a precarious position. The WHO is at the forefront of a centrally controlled system, designed to limit people's movement globally. This has never been a concern until COVID-19 came along.

Everyone needs to ask, "If COVID-19 has come and gone, why do we need a system like this? COVID-19 obviously didn't destroy the human race, why would we assume that the next pathogen would?

What do you think?

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