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Use Your Illusion

Permalink 09/12/23 06:42, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, Politics, U.S. Economy, Elections

Don't give the globalists what they want. What do they want? They want the Illusion that Biden is in control.

If the Republicans try to impeach Biden, it plays right into the globalist's plans. An impeachment hearing gives the impression that Biden is actually calling the shots -- and that Republicans actually believe this. It gives the impression that by removing Biden, things might change. But most importantly it changes the narrative. It gets people focused on Biden's personal crimes -- not what has been done to the country as a result of his administration's actions.

What the American people have to understand is that Biden, whether you believe he was elected or not, is absolutely incapacitated. Biden hasn't been in charge of anything, he's not mentally capable. Nobody would pick Biden as their Jeopardy partner, much less to run the largest economy on the planet.

Consider Biden's first day in office, what did he do? He signed around a dozen (Executive Orders) EOs undoing a lot of Trump's EOs. Does anyone really believe that Biden has the mental capacity to read those EOs, or to understand the implications of signing them? Of course he doesn't, but the people around him do.

Biden does not represent his administration. Multiple times this year alone, Biden's administration has had to walk back what he's said. Why? Because he doesn't speak for his administration -- they tell him what to say. Biden has admitted that he shouldn't get off topic because he'll, "Get in trouble." Really? The president will get in trouble if he says something other than what his handlers want him to say?

It's like a bad joke, only nobody is laughing. Nobody is laughing in the US, or anywhere else in the world, because the implications of this are worldwide, and they are not good for ordinary people anywhere.

What has become clear is the illusory activities of the current administration/regime. Nobody really knows what they are up to next, because they have zero outward facing visibility, we know that whatever Biden says doesn't matter. We only know that whatever they do, it's not in the best interest of the American people.

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