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Agenda 2030 - Samsung Teams Up With The United Nations to Raise Awareness?

Permalink 08/01/23 18:25, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics, Strange_News

Many people were under the impression that UN Agenda 2030 directive was a "conspiracy theory." It is most definitely not.

Here are screen shots for the associated Samsung Global Goals website. I did this to document what was on the website as of this date. I don't know if these sorts of apps will become more invasive in the future or not.

Keep in mind, EULAs (End User License Agreements) are not getting any shorter. Also keep in mind that Microsoft owns your copy of MS Windows. Not you, you paid for it, but you didn't "buy" it, you paid for the rights to use it. Any Windows machine is basically like a cable TV box. Microsoft can update and change your computer when they want, and you don't have any say in what they do.

United Nations, Agenda 2030, and Samsung

The app is designed to allow users to watch adds, then the add revenue is stored in the user's donation account. It is later donated to the UN or whatever associated "charity," sometimes automatically.







Here's the info from the Google Play Store about the Samsung Global Goals app.


The reviews are rather interesting. There are many of people who like the app, but, few who really know what Agenda 2030 is about. This first person does.







Some people don't like the app.






Samsung replies with something like, "Agenda 2030, SDGs, and UN directives are important -- because 'we' say they are. Therefore, you will do what we say, and like it. Oh and raising awareness and stuff..." People might want to read those EULAs a little more closely.

I'll admit, I have Samsung devices. While I've never run into this application on my devices, I'm going to be looking to other manufacturers from now on when purchasing phones.

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