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The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Goes Full-on Creep Ass!

Permalink 03/05/21 13:59, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, On the web, Politics, Strange_News

I know that there's been some creepy stuff in the past, but this is getting pretty creepy!

The following is from an article on the Global Times.

Tired and depressed after a long day's work, a man sits down and asks his smart stereo to play a song. The stereo immediately recognizes his emotional state and plays him a cheerful tune. In the beautiful melody, the man is slowly rejuvenated, and his mood gradually improves.

Conversely, at a busy highway checkpoint, artificial intelligence (AI) pre-warning systems silently observe drivers and passengers in vehicles passing through. Seconds later, security officers stop a car with passengers looking strangely nervous and discover drugs in the car.

These scenes reminiscent of science fiction are on the increase in quotidian life. In China, emotion recognition technology is fast developing in this data and AI era boom, and has been widely used in various fields including health, anti-terrorism, and urban security, industry insiders told the Global Times.

"Currently, the AI emotion recognition tech is still led by the US, but its practical uses are already blossoming in China," said Wei Qingchen, head of EmoKit Tech Co., Ltd. that specializes in developing products based on its emotion recognition engine Emokit.

Most people have at least heard about the movie "Minority Report." As part of the "PreCrime" unit, the authorities arrest people for "Future Crimes" or crimes they have not yet committed. Of course this is science fiction, but check out this next part.

At least Tesla has the answer. Let the car do the driving for you, then you don't have to worry about appearing nervous. Also you could wear sunglasses at night. The AI won't know what to do.

Ma noted the important role this tech can play in maintaining social stability and protecting people's lives.

He referred to a shooting case that happened in the American city of Lakewood in 2009. In this case, ex-prisoner Maurice Clemmons fatally shot four police officers at a local coffee shop only one week after he was released from jail.

"It might not have happened if the jail had done a risk assessment on Clemmons, and postponed to release him after finding that he might have posed a threat to others' safety," Ma sighed.

So, they could have used the AI to determine that the guy was up to something. How would they know what he was up to? Or would they just use the AI to keep him in jail indefinitely? This is a very slippery slope.

Also disturbing is the fact that the best emotion reading AI is developed here in the US, which means they'll be deploying it shortly, if they haven't already used it to track down the people from January 6th who entered The Capitol. Hmm... I'm sure none of them were nervous!

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