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The World "Economic" Forum?

Permalink 02/26/21 14:50, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, History, Politics, Strange_News, U.S. Economy

I'm not very familiar with the World Economic Forum (WEF for all the cool kids) but I do find their take on the world economy a little strange. I would imagine that they support thriving economies around the globe, right?

If you look here, you'll see one of their videos that was put out earlier this week, it has since been removed.

Notice anything strange here?

Why would the WEF be touting numbers based on a loss in world/global economic activity? Wouldn't the WEF be in support of ending the lockdowns, because it's good for the world/global economy?

The video is pointing out all of the good things that have come about as a result of global economic downturn. Who exactly is benefitting from this? Why do we need more of this? Why would the WEF be a proponent of this?

This is more than a little odd to me.

What do you think?

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