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Truth Is Often Stranger Than Fiction...

Permalink 10/05/19 01:18, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics, Elections

Right now the Democrats in the US House are trying to make people believe that Trump was involved in a grand conspiracy to win the 2016 election. But there are more than a few problems with the premise.

First of all, how would Trump be able to come up with all of this? Before knowing what was really going on? In other words, Trump was being investigated by the FBI long before there was even any mention of Trump Russia collusion. We know that there wasn't, Mueller proved that with his stumbling performance before congressional committees.

So for Trump to have thwarted all of the "evidence" in the Mueller Report, he would have to be the one behind his own investigation. Or, the obvious truth, there was never anything there. There was just a media driven push to make people think that there was something there. Remember how many times Adam Shiff said that he had absolute proof that Trump colluded with the Russians? Oh, but that was a lie.

So, that brings me to my next point. The US House Democrats are proceeding with a mock impeachment, based on a "whistle-blower" that has information on a phone call --second or third hand! Then Trump releases the phone call transcript, but there's nothing in the transcript that implicates Trump in anything. So, where does the investigation go from there?

This is like having a police officer follow you around every waking moment of the day --looking for you to do something wrong. That's absurd, and nobody would put up with that. The police are there to uphold the law --once it has been broken. When there is no evidence of the law having been broken, there is no investigation. That's what I believe is wrong with this whole thing. It's simply harassment at that point.

With this, we have a new issue arising as well. Nancy Pelosi is claiming that she can start impeachment proceedings without a vote from the full House of Representatives. Nancy Pelosi is NOT The House, she is a member of The House. If this is the case; any sitting president can be harassed without cause --period. How many Democrats would put up with this? We had Obama on tape! Obama told Medvedev to let Vladimir Putin know that he would have more flexibility after the election. That is REAL collusion documented on tape but nobody seemed to care about that.

All of the foreign governments officials know that this is a hoax, perpetuated by the Democrats, to get Trump out of office. The question is, how long will the other members of congress allow this to go on? Or, are they all sellouts?

The US economy is booming, unemployment is down across all demographics. The stock markets are reaching record highs. Things are looking up since Trump has been in office. But all the Democrats can do is try to get the guy that's done what they've promised to do for 30+ years, out of office.

THE BIGGEST THING THAT TRUMP HAS ACCOMPLISHED IS TO PROVE THAT THE POLITICIANS IN WASHINGTON ARE LARGELY FRAUDS! Trump has been able to turn things around in just a few years, when Washington politicians have been complaining, and promising to fix them for as long as I can remember. That's why he must go, and I believe that's why Republicans and Democrats would like to see him gone. The "Swamp" is flooded with politicians from both parties.

The Democrats, and Republicans, must be defeated in court if we are to preserve our republic. The only hope we have is that this will backfire, and the people behind the real crimes are imprisoned. There is no other way around this. The American public, and the rest of the world for that matter, will not take the US seriously while these types of games are played.

But that might be the plan. Democrats want to drastically transform America. What better way than to make the American public believe that the system is truly broken? Why, it must need to be drastically transformed right?

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