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Evan McMullin for Hillary !!!

Permalink 09/17/16 02:41, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics, U.S. Economy

Hillary Clinton has had her prayers answered. They are answered by the arrival of Evan McMullin.

Evan McMullin
Evan McMullin

This is confirmed by the fact that McMullin has missed the filling deadlines in too many states to actually win. This comes down to simple math. There is no possible way for McMullin to gather enough electoral votes to win, so why be in the race at all?

The truth is that he is a spoiler for the Republican Establishment. He might gain popular votes in states with a Mormon majority. That's the only reason he's in the race. He's there to take votes from Trump so Hillary can win the Electoral College.

This man is a fraud and should be ignored. He does not help to move this country in any direction except backwards. He wishes to move the country into a more totalitarian position. McMullin is supporting Hillary by fiat.

P.S. The "Never Trump Movement" is the "Pro-Establishment" / "Pro-Hillary Movement" in reality. No matter how they slice it, it's a binary election. Socialism, or Trumpism. Which would you prefer?

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