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The BBC Just Loves Newt Gingrich!

Permalink 01/19/12 17:03, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Fun, In real life, On the web, Politics, Elections

This just bleeds journalistic integrity. It's like saying, "John Huntsman exits and endorses Mitt Romney, who said 'I like being able to fire people." Is this supposed to pass as objective?

I know that there are plenty of people out there who don't like Newt Gingrich, but this is just goofy. The editor who put this on the BBC homepage was obviously not asked by Gingrich to join-in on the fun.

Either way I have seen some strange things before from the likes of Newt. I wrote about this before. It's hard to know whether he's really that loose with his beliefs, or if he's trying to attract the Magical Moderate Voter. Newt has been everywhere on every issue it seems, but he has done one thing positive. He has proven that Conservatism is longed for. When Newt speaks as a Conservative he is welcomed by people. People who are looking for someone to say what most of us are thinking.

If Newt realizes that there are more Conservative voters than "Moderates" in the voter base, he might just get the nomination.

Only time will tell. Let's see how Newt does in tonight's debate.

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