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Egypt is Falling to Islamists; Where is the US Media?

Permalink 07/31/11 10:27, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, History

It's interesting that when Egypt is in real trouble there is nothing on the front page of US newspapers, but the blog section of the New York Times has insight. This is a very important development. Remember we had the President of The United States saying that Hosni Mubarak had to step down so that the Egyptian people could determine their future. Well that has happened and what do we see now?

As my colleague Anthony Shadid reports, tens of thousands of Egyptians poured into Tahrir Square on Friday for a day that had been billed as one of unified protest against the interim military government. But the turnout was lopsided, dominated by members of religious movements, ranging from the most conservative, the Salafists, to the relatively moderate Muslim Brotherhood.

According to The Associated Press, instead of chanting “The people want to topple the regime,” a slogan heard at protests across the Arab world this year, from Tahrir Square to Tunisia, demonstrators called out, “The people want to implement Sharia,” a strict code of Islamic law.

I thought these protests were carried out by people who want freedom? I thought that Islamists were nowhere to be seen during the Egyptian protests, that's what we were told. Now all of a sudden the people everyone was worried about are right there in the middle of it.

I predicted this in May of this year. Why would anyone actually believe that in a majority Muslim country there would be a "revolution" and no involvement by Islamnists?


Here is what I said in May.

It is likely that the most organized group will gain control of whatever government eventually manifests itself. The Muslim Brotherhood has been waiting for an opportunity like this for many years. Now it's time for them to act. Pay close attention to Egypt in the coming weeks.

Free thinking people are unlikely to organize and create a system of government. For Islamists the job is easy, their religion is a form of government; they just have to implement it.

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