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"Arab Spring" NOT a Deodorant Soap

Permalink 05/27/11 16:46, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, History, Politics

With all of the protesting in Egypt it's hard to keep track of who's doing what. In the midst of all this; there are some important news articles that most Americans are not seeing.

CAIRO (AP) -- About 10,000 protesters returned to downtown Cairo's Tahrir Square Friday for what they called a "second revolution," calling for Egypt's military rulers to speed up the pace of democratic reforms in a country that is still charting its political future.

Protesters carried banners reading the "Egyptian revolution is not over" and chanted the slogan.

This doesn't sound so bad does it. Just more "Arab Spring" right?

The military's leadership of the country's democratic transition has left many protesters dissatisfied.

"I came here because I didn't feel that Egypt changed," technician Raafat Hendi said, under huge posters calling for a new constitution.

Some critics accuse the military rulers of collaborating with the former regime and being too lenient in its prosecution of Mubarak, his family and regime members.

The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's best organized political force, opposed the protest and called it an attempt to drive a wedge between the military and the people. The Brotherhood's absence will test the ability of liberal and secular groups to launch their own sustained opposition movement.

Is the writer of this article saying that the earlier protests in Egypt were organized by the Muslim Brotherhood? I thought that the protests were organized by people who simply wanted freedom, that's what I was told in news report after news report.

The Brotherhood, banned in 1954, became a political force after renouncing violence in the 1970s. Eventually it became the most formidable opponent to Mubarak's regime, though it was still banned as a political party.

When Mubarak fell, the Brotherhood stood ready with a huge network of social services and supporters.

Thousands of protesters marched in other Egyptian cities like Alexandria and Suez, which also saw deadly clashes with security forces during the uprising. The army and police withdrew all their forces and vehicles from Suez before Friday's protest began.

It is likely that the most organized group will gain control of whatever government eventually manifests itself. The Muslim Brotherhood has been waiting for an opportunity like this for many years. Now it's time for them to act. Pay close attention to Egypt in the coming weeks.

I seriously doubt that the future Egypt will be friendly to the US or Israel.

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