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International Burn a Koran Day. Now this is interesting...

Permalink 09/07/10 17:26, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics, Strange_News

There is a church in Gainesville planning "International Burn a Koran Day". Take a peek at this clip.

“We feel it’s maybe the right time for America to stand up,” he said. “How long are we going to bow down? How long are we going to be controlled, by the terrorists, by radical Islam?”

“We feel it’s time for the church to stand up,” he added.

Jones also said that other churches ‘across the country’ have indicated they would support his, although he declined to name them.

The most telling part of this interview is where Jones mentions how a supporter in Paris emailed to say that he too is going to burn a Koran on 9/11.

There are a few people who say that this guy is wrong in what he is doing, but how is this any different from other causes out there?

This pastor has a valid point. What would happen if there were a Bible burning. Would there be protests, large riots and death threats from Christians? He also has a point when he says, "...we are only revealing the violence that is already there in that religion".

Gen. David Petraeus said Tuesday the Koran burning could endanger U.S. troops and the safety of Americans worldwide. He says images of the Koran burning would be used by Islamic extremists to inflame and incite violence.

While what Petraeus says is true, I have to take issue with the premise of his statement. Islamic extremists use our (Western Civilization) existence as a means to incite violence. We should do absolutely nothing to appease our enemy. I also fail to see how a Koran burning by a small group of people in Gainesville Florida is of any military significance when compared to the arbitrary deadline to leave Afghanistan. Of course Petraeus can't really comment on the deadline, but if he is worried about the Koran burning, you can bet he's worried about the deadline.

Remember the Internet craze "Everybody Draw Muhammad Day"?


Take a peek at the Wikipedia link. You'll be quite surprised by the amount of rage this stirred. Remember, this was only drawing pictures of Muhammad. Americans as a whole have been kept largely in the dark when it comes to what it means to be a Muslim. Not a "moderate Muslim" an "American Muslim" but a Muslim like those found in Islamic states.

Do I think torching a bunch of Korans is the best way to get a point across. No. Do I think it will be effective? Yes.

Remember the church that protests at U.S. service member's funerals, Westboro Baptist Church? The ACLU and the left stood strong for Westboro Baptist Church.

The American Civil Liberties Union filed the lawsuit Friday in the U.S. District Court in Jefferson City, Mo., on behalf of the fundamentalist Westboro Baptist Church, which has outraged mourning communities by picketing service members' funerals with signs condemning homosexuality.

The church and the Rev. Fred Phelps say God is allowing troops, coal miners and others to be killed because the United States tolerates gay men and lesbians.

My question is simple. Are the left in America going to stand up for the rights of this pastor Jones (who wants to burn Korans)? Or will they forget about the 1st Amendment and bow to the threat of Islamic Terrorism?

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Comment from: Hollie [Visitor]
HollieIt would appear that FOX Orlando is trying to distract its viewers. Can you say top-heavy hotties?!

Yes, the first amendment protects a right, but no one said it had to be exercised.

Our situation with this war on terror reminds me of a hostage negotiation. As negotiator the US will try to avoid provoking the terrorists. In effect, we are going to APPEASE OUR ENEMIES -- in order to (hopefully) gain the upper hand!

Here's a thought:
Fear drives us (the US), but what drives the terrorists?

09/09/10 @ 00:52
Comment from: OGRE / (Jeff) [Member] Email
Me and My Giant Dollar Store GlassesHollie:

- This war is much different than any other war in our history; however, war is war. One side must prevail. Fear didn't drive us into WWII, our knowledge of the enemy did. Our current enemy is strengthened by our appeasement. Every inch we give results in a mile of enemy morale.

What happens when you are dealing with a hostage taker who (by our terms) doesn't want to win? I have the answer. You send them to where they are going ahead of schedule. There is no other logical conclusion to the scenario. People who believe that they are doing God's will by killing themselves can't be talked down by an infidel, nor can they be threatened. Christians and Jews are dogs in their eyes, we are the devil. The idea that they can be talked down is absurd.

- We know that what drives the terrorists, their religious beliefs. They have told us as much...

Do the terrorists represent all Muslims. No. Does that 50 member church in Gainseville represent all 300 million Americans? No; however, look at the Muslim response. Look again here...

I think that this pastor is doing this to make a point. I don't think he'll really burn any Korans.
09/09/10 @ 17:23

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