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Is This Change You Can Believe In?

I know that times are hard and people are interested in government assisted housing, but this? There were crowds of 30,000 people looking to benefit from government-subsidized housing!

Thirty thousand people turned out in East Point on Wednesday seeking applications for government-subsidized housing, and their confusion and frustration, combined with the summer heat, led to a chaotic mob scene that left 62 people injured.
All of this resulted from people attempting to obtain Section 8 housing applications and, against long odds, later securing vouchers for affordable residences. Some waited in line for two days for the applications.
Offering applications for the first time since 2002, East Point Housing Authority officials had triple the crowd they anticipated, and one that was three-fourths of the 40,000 population of the south Fulton city. Things got out of hand when people started cutting into lines and authorities attempted to move groups to different areas.
The question is not how to deal with crowds. The question is, how did anyone in the U.S. ever get to this point? I wonder what these people would be doing if there were no government assistance? I doubt that they would just die or live on the streets, they would have to find a way to make things work. As it stands they don't have to. The truth is that simple.
If there's little or no work where you live; you have to go some place where there is work. That's the truth.
The government has created a situation where 3/4 of a city's population are dependent on government for their most basic needs. I wonder how these people are going to vote come November? This is scary, what will these people do when the money runs out?
Is this change you can believe in?
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