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I hate to bring up Tiger Woods, but...

Permalink 12/31/09 11:43, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, In real life, On the web, Politics

Tiger has lost his AT&T contract.

AT&T's logo appeared on the golfer's bag. The company did not comment on its reasons for dropping Woods.

The company was also the host of the AT&T National PGA event in July - something it says it will continue to sponsor.

In a terse statement, AT&T said: "We are ending our sponsorship agreement with Tiger Woods and wish him well in the future."

At least AT&T didn't comment on why they dropped Tiger. That's better than what Gator Aid did.

Soft drink brand Gatorade says it is to drop a Tiger Woods-endorsed product but said it was not related to revelations about the golfer's private life.

PepsiCo-owned Gatorade said the decision to axe the Tiger Focus drink was made a few months ago.

Hat tip to AT&T! Nice job AT&T by not insulting everyone by claiming that your issues with Tiger have nothing to do with his personal life. We all know that's the case.

I guess Gator Aid is worried about offending all of those athletes who cheat on their wives and get away with it...

This gets to my bigger point. This is the same sort of idiocy we are getting out of the government as of late. Every time there is news --which is obviously terror related-- we have these government boobs come out and say that terrorism is not suspected. Then what happens? We find out that the "alleged" suspect(s) have Muslim name(s), were under investigation (by some government agency) and have openly disclosed their feelings about this country.

If we can't count on the government to tell the truth when it's obvious; why in the hell should we trust what they tell us about health care!? Does anyone really believe that this bill is going to do what's promised? I just hope that the American people can put two and two together in time.

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1 comment

Comment from: Greg [Visitor]
GregOkay, a comment on Tiger Woods aside from your larger point about trusting government: It is tragic what is going on with Tiger Woods.

Why is Tiger Woods "tragic?" you ask?

"Tragedy," PROPERLY defined, is "a disastrous event or series of events experienced by a protagonist in a dramatic story, brought about largely by the protagonist's, or associates', own actions."

That last part is pertinent: "brought about largely by the PROTAGONIST'S or associates' OWN ACTIONS." The difference between the genres of "disaster" (like the film "Earthquake") and a "tragedy" (like the films "Titanic" or "Romeo and Juliet") is WHO or WHAT caused the negative series of events.

Tiger Woods is not a disaster--he's a tragedy--because he brought this upon himself. Do we feel bad for him? Of course. But is this justice? Yes, it is.

Did Tiger Woods made BILLIONS (with a 'B') by hitting a little ball into a little hole in the grass? No. Many people can do that. Woods made his billions by the media image of integrity, youthfulness and professionalism that he carefully crafted. Whether he applied that media image to the game of golf, or to a product like Buick or AT&T is not the point: he made his money by HIS MEDIA IMAGE.

And now, by being self-centered and irresponsible, he carelessly indulged in activities that undermined his billion-dollar media image of integrity and professionalism. He deserves to lose his money by the very means that he created it. Easy come, easy go.

No one wishes bad things for Tiger Woods. I just don't feel bad for him getting the consequences for actions he very knowingly engaged in.
12/31/09 @ 13:21

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