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You can't say "Attempted Terror Attack." It's an "Attempted Man Caused Disaster."

Permalink 12/27/09 11:53, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, In real life, On the web, History, Politics

This is an interesting story; it also brings to light a few scary details.

I just have one very simple question. If the "attempted terrorist" was so obvious that --his own father reported him to the U.S. "authorities"-- how the hell was he missed in any screening anywhere!?

COME ON! If "authorities" can't stop a terrorist from boarding a plane when they are tipped off ahead of time; we are in big trouble! This reeks of Fort Hood.

If the TSA consists of "authorities" we are screwed!

Oh, and Terrorists are now referred to as "Man Caused Disaster Engineers."

One last thought; why is it that the terrorists --under investigation-- seem to be those most effective at carrying out their plans? You can't stop a war with law enforcement.

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1 comment

Comment from: Greg [Visitor]
GregHere comes the "crazy-comment": The reason why these folks do not get "caught" is because these acts of terrorism are being orchestrated by the same folks who run the world's banks and want to create a "global" crisis that will result in these elites taking over more and more of our liberties, freedoms and control in our lives.

As David Rockefeller said, again and again, "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis [or series of crises] and the nations will accept the New World Order." (Bracketed comments added)

Basically, scare people enough to convince them that they must hand over control of their lives to realize a (false) security and (false) peace, and they will do it.
12/29/09 @ 12:33

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