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Harry Reid wants the U.S. Senate to vote on a health bill that NO ONE outside of Reid's tight group have even seen!?

Permalink 12/17/09 13:18, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, In real life, On the web, History, Politics

Get a load of this!

‘And here’s the most outrageous part: at the end of this rush, they want us to vote on a bill that no one outside the Majority Leader’s conference room has even seen. That’s right. The final bill we’ll vote on isn’t even the one we’ve had on the floor. It’s the deal Democrat leaders have been trying to work out in private’

“Senators on both sides acknowledge that the health care bill we’re considering is among the most significant pieces of legislation any of us will ever consider.

This is insane! What is this legislation "really" attempting to accomplish? Is this not tyrannical!?

If the "rules" of the Senate are bypassed, what good are the rules? What the hell is going on here!

The American people didn't elect a dictator, or did they?

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1 comment

Comment from: Greg [Visitor]
GregNo, the American people did not ELECT a dictator--but we got one forced on us illegally, anyway, in my opinion. But a dictator he is: take-over of health-care, car industries, banking and finance which will result in forcing once-free Americans to "purchase" (it will actually be garnished from our wages by fiat) health care insurance for crappy service and products, who can and can not get loans, who can and can not buy things ...

Why did the Obama Administration refuse to accept the pay-back funds from CitiCorp Bank? Answer: because the Obama Admin knows that if it can control the largest bank (in the world?), it can control the banking industry.

Is this free market capitalism? Or NA-tional SOCialism (Na-zi)? Rhetorical, I know. But Americans are too brainwashed by government schools and media to be anything more than mindless blobs these days.
12/31/09 @ 13:35

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