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What are these people thinking? Let's dictate the salaries of individuals!?
Now we have this words that the "pay czar" is going to limit the salaries of some companies which received bailout money.
Authorities on both sides of the Atlantic are moving to enact tough curbs on pay, in an indication that governments are taking increasingly aggressive steps to rein in compensation after the financial crisis.
In the U.S., the Treasury Department's pay czar, Kenneth Feinberg, is poised to enact tougher-than-expected rules for employees at companies that received large amounts of government assistance. The U.K. on Wednesday slapped banks with a 50% tax on portions of bonuses they pay to individuals, in perhaps the most aggressive move yet by a government.
Mr. Feinberg has already capped salaries of top employees under his review. ...
I have a question. Why is it that CEOs "need" to have their salaries capped? I know that these companies received bail-out money, but there are plenty of private institutions which receive government money. Football (the NFL) for example. Many city and state governments are involved (financially) in the construction of stadiums. Why is there no cry to limit the pay of professional athletes?
There also have been quite a few movies which have received government funds during production. Where is the outcry to limit the pay of actors?
Athletes and actors generally don't employ many people. A CEO who brings a large company "back from the brink" could potentially save thousands of jobs. Why is the CEO looked at as a bad guy, but the athletes and actors are not? Moreover; why is the government even involved in pay decisions at all?
Just a thought...
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Also remember; the Hollywood left are among some of the largest financial supporters of the Democrat Party. They Hollywood left pay their penance and as a result are left alone.
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