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GOP House leader says moderates wanted in party ?!
WASHINGTON (AP) -- House Republican leader John Boehner says the GOP wants moderates in the party and calls the special election for a New York congressional seat an unusual situation.
Am I the only one here that thinks moderate Republicans are worthless? Did the Republicans learn anything from the last election?
No one looks to a moderate for leadership. Who runs out into the street and says, "I really need someone who is indecisive with little conviction to lead the way!" This is absurd. I say this not only because I'm a Conservative, but because history has shown that moderate Republicans don't win elections! At least not on merit. Moderate Republicans tend to win only if the other candidate is completely worthless (way-too-far left). Can anyone name a race where a moderate Republican won by a small margin? Moderate Republicans draw votes away from third party candidates (often more Conservative) who might otherwise win elections.
Democrat moderates are a different story. Moderate Democrats are a requirement for a party that does not click with the majority of the population. The Democrat Party must run moderates (or politicians who come off that way). If they were to run candidates based on their "actual" far-left ideology they wouldn't stand a chance. The Democrat leadership knows this.
Republicans on the other hand have a different problem. The Republican brand has been associated with Conservatism for so long that moderate Republican candidates seem fake. After all, why would you associate yourself with a traditionally Conservative party if you don't hold those beliefs? Moderate Republicans are often viewed as frauds.
Does anyone look at a moderate Democrat candidate and think, "I wonder if that candidate really is that [middle of the road]"? Many people doubt that liberal candidates "really" believe what they are saying. The moderate Democrat is often viewed by Democrat voters as reaching for the left, but not "really" going there. Democrat voters seem to ignore Democrats when they say things which the voter disagrees. Democrat voters seem to reason that far-fetched (Leftist) ideas are "ploys" never to come to fruition. This allows Democrats to slide to the left with less political damage. The Democrat voter often does not pay attention to what is said during a campaign, because they ignore what they consider to be pandering. If a candidate is likable, people will often assume that they are going to "do the right thing." This is why it's important for Democrats to be "Strategically Ambiguous [my quote]," this allows democrats to say one thing and do another, while never being pinned down. You can't fail to live up to expectations when no one knows what those expectations are. Because of this, Democrats are almost never held accountable by their voters.
Does anyone look at a moderate Republican and think, "Is this guy really a Republican, or is he leaning to the left?" I believe that the Moderate Republican candidate is viewed much differently through the eyes of a Republican voter. There are few issues one can budge on and remain a Conservative. Conservatives have a basic set of principles, if you stray too far outside the realm of those beliefs, you probably aren't a Conservative. If this happens to a Republican politician their voters will pick up on it. Republican candidates are often held accountable by their voters.
When people think "Republican" they think of a more conservative candidate (leaning more towards the Right). When people think "Democrat" they think of a more liberal candidate, who "really" leans towards the Center.
To me a moderate in the voting block is just a future Democrat voter. If moderates were at all Conservative leaning, they would be educated on the candidates, at which point they would no longer be "undecided."
Just something to think about...
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the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist
program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without
knowing how it happened."
-- Norman Thoman
(1884-1968) six-time U.S. Presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America
1948 - from an interview during the presidential campaign,
[Ed. note: Norman Thomas and Gus Hall, the U.S. Communist Party Candidate, both quit American politics, agreeing that the Republican and Democratic parties had adopted every plank on the Communist/Socialist and they no longer had an alternate party platform on which to run.]
THAT kinda says it all, too, huh?
Here's another quote for you: "So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth."
-- Jesus Christ, Revelation 3:16
Creators of Truth (Christ) and lovers of truth (His Followers, et al ...) can not stand mediocrity. Moderate Republicans are lukewarm, and need to be spit out. Sarah Palin largely pulled clout to get the RNC to spit RINO (Republican In Name Only) Scozzafava to bow out of New York's 23rd District race. Palin: love that woman! And who does Scozzafava then throw her support behind? The liberal Democrat in that race!
It took a truth-seeker of absolute values, Palin, the rid the RNC of a Dem masquarading as a Republican and underscore why the RNC should have no loyalty to her since she had no loyalty to the RNC.
Will the RNC learn from this? NO. The RNC is nearly worthless. It needs to be taken back to its conservative roots of anti-slavery and equal worth to all humans (Lincoln was the first Republican President).
One further comment on something you said, above: "You can't fail to live up to expectations when no one knows what those expectations are. Because of this, Democrats are almost never held accountable by their voters."
BINGO! Liberalism, by definition, is void of absolutes, and therefore, TO A LIBERAL, TRUTH IS NON-EXISTENCE. There is only "your truth," and "my truth." You can't use "your truth" to judge "my truth." That's why Democrats never get demonized for illicit behavior--they are simply living up to their creed that "anything goes." Conservatives (who are somtimes Republicans) ALWAYS get vilified when they fail--especially morally--because conservatives--by definition--are about absolutes and truth.
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