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Moderates are half-ass...

Here is the Merriam-Webster's definition of Moderate.
1 a: avoiding extremes of behavior or expression : observing reasonable limits "a moderate drinker" b: calm, temperate
2 a: tending toward the mean or average amount or dimension b: having average or less than average quality : mediocre
3: professing or characterized by political or social beliefs that are not extreme
4: limited in scope or effect
5: not expensive : reasonable or low in price
6: of a color : of medium lightness and medium chroma
There are a few things I find interesting these days. I find it interesting that the people who direct the Republican Party are completely without understanding of how the party was formed.
Most people do not like change. Change, in a controlled situation, is something that comes about because of necessity, not spontaneously. The Republican Party seems to have adopted the Obama philosophy of "change." The Republicans could have better conveyed their beliefs so people could know where they stand, but some in the party believe that's not a good idea.
I believe that the problems in the Republican party stem from those who believe that a political party should represent what is popular at the time. This is in stark contrast to the founding of the country. The United States of America was not founded on a changing principle. The founding documents state very clearly a philosophical viewpoint that has no room for "change."
The Democrat party has a problem with identity, because the party has no ideals. This is evident in the continuously changing view points of the Democrat Party leadership. A Democrat's view points change with each poll. Simply ask a Democrat voter what their party stands for.
The Republican Party has a problem with identity because they have forgotten what they were founded on. This is made evident by John McCain. John McCain stood before millions of people and could not convey what it is that he stands for. He only stated what he figured was good, or bad for the country. Republicans have forgotten that for those who don't follow politics closely -- the fact that the Republican party had a set of ideals, was the only defining difference between the two parties.
When voters looked at John McCain politically, they weren't sure what they were looking at. Contrast that with Sarah Palin. People could connect easily with Palin, people felt they knew what Sarah Palin stood for. Palin pointed out the differences in how she viewed issues vs. how her opponent viewed issues.
McCain just sat back and said that he wasn't going to run a "negative" campaign. What McCain did was allow his opponent to set the grounds for discussion, or narrative. McCain was constantly on defense. McCain was useless in pointing out the differences in his policy vs. Obama's policy, Obama could just fabricate a position for McCain. McCain would then have to explain how this was not his position, before even attempting to convey his actual views. This made McCain appear as if he didn't know what he was doing, and he looked defensive most of the time, or like he was lying.
Republican voters want to know what they are voting for. Democrats seem not to care so much, as long as they "feel good" about their decision. Moderates don't care either way as long as they can avoid the subject of politics altogether.
The use of the term Moderate also strikes me as interesting. For one to take a moderate approach to politics -- one must remain uninformed. Moderates won't stand for anything. After all, moderates stand in the middle on most issues.
Somehow the McCain campaign got the idea that by standing for nothing, they could beat the opponent who "seemed" to stand for something. By using the term Moderate, the McCain campaign effectively conveyed that McCain was not going to take a stance on any issue. This, I believe, caused McCain to loose the Republican vote.
The truth is, there are two major political parties which have the potential to win in a presidential election. The Republican party went out of its way to gain the votes of individuals who belong to neither of those two parties. Hopefully they won't make that mistake again.
A Moderate by definition is just another "half-ass."

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