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Quick thoughts on a Tuesday Morning
Today there is news that the senate has blocked a move that would have supplied tax payer funds for ACORN. ACORN is under fire because of videos that have surfaced showing ACORN employees giving advice on how to evade the IRS, and how to disguise what you do in order to receive a home loan. The advice was given to a young male and a female, posing as a pimp and a prostitute. Prostitution was mentioned, and was in fact the reason for the home loan, to open a brothel.
The 83-7 vote would deny housing and community grant funding to ACORN, which stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.
Just last week, the Census Bureau severed its ties with ACORN, saying it does not want the group's help in outreach efforts on the decennial count.
On the hidden camera controversy, ACORN says it has fired the employees involved but has lashed out at Fox for pumping up the scandal. In a statement, Bertha Lewis, ACORN's chief organizer, said the tapes had been doctored and violated Maryland's wiretapping laws. She promised to sue Fox.
ACORN's response is ridiculous. If Bertha Lewis believed the videos were doctored or filmed by unlawful means, why did ACORN fire the two employees?
ACORN was little known to those who don't follow politics. Perhaps if they would have mentioned MoveOn.org or Code Pink there would have been more of a reaction. There is; however, a silver lining to this. As these radical groups attempt to advance their influence they are forced into the light.
I wonder why when many of Obama's affiliates' beliefs are brought out, in the open, Obama attempts to distance himself from them? In this case Obama has remained quite, perhaps because the best way to distance himself is to say nothing.
The problem is, the radicals keep on coming. How is it that so many of Obama's affiliates are radical? Recently there has been, Van Jones, Ron Bloom, nearly all of his advisers in important positions are people which hold true to the tenants of these types of organizations. Organizations, which if exposed, the majority of Americans would not agree with, as seen here.
I believe this speaks volumes as to who has been elected president, and what his plans are. It's a good thing that organizations like ACORN are finally being held accountable for what they do. And to think, tax payer dollars went to fund groups like this, and still do.
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If there is any doubt that ACORN is but a reflection of the corruption within the fake President they "elected" via election fraud, it should be ended by now.
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