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« Which Obama is telling the truth?Health Care Town Hall. This is what happens when democrats are confronted with the TRUTH! »

Supporters of the Health Care Reform Bill (democrats) are realizing that people are catching on...

Permalink 08/08/09 12:26, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, In real life, On the web

Democrats have accused Republicans of manufacturing the opposition by organizing groups to attend the events and encouraging disruptive behavior. Republican organizers say the unrest reflects genuine anger about the proposed health-care changes.

"Democrats may think that attacking or ignoring this growing chorus of Americans is a smart strategy, but they are obviously forgetting that these concerned citizens are voters as well," said Paul Lindsay, a spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee, the House GOP's campaign arm.

Rick Scott, who leads Conservatives for Patients' Rights, a group that has helped publicize the local meetings, said: "The polls reveal the real picture of what is happening across the country -- people are genuinely concerned, some are genuinely angry, and they are expressing themselves."

The truth is that democrats never had control of the health care debate to begin with. They only had a glimmer of control, so long as the general public remained uninformed.

Take a look at how the supporters of Health Care Reform are acting against those in opposition to the bill. When SEIU members show up at town hall meetings and ruff people up, you know that something is wrong.

Just take a look at the splash screen from the SEIU website...

Of course this group has nothing to do with the democrat party, they just borrow their slogans...

SEIU members and activists continue to stand tall to ensure healthcare reform happens this year. As members of the U.S. House and Senate turn their sights from committee hearings and floor votes to barbecues and luncheons back home, SEIU's Change That Works team is planning hundreds of events to ensure elected leaders don't forget the promises they made on the campaign trail. From Iowa to Indianapolis, from an ambulance tour across Montana, to bake sales in North Dakota--our elected leaders will hear from working families that need affordable, quality healthcare this year and the Employee Free Choice Act.

What is the obsession with health care reform "this year". I think that the left has realized that their time is limited. If they don't get something passed this year it might not get passed at all.

Anyone should question legislation that "must" be passed this year. If it were actually good for the American people wouldn't it be easy to pass at any time? The tactics used to push this awful bill are starting to unravel.

You will notice that in the coming days supports of the Health Care Bill are going to refer to the measure as "Health Insurance Reform". Polls have shown that most Americans are happy with their Health Care, so they are going to try and change the name of the plan! Now supporters of the bill are going to attack health insurance companies.

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