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Health Care Town Hall. This is what happens when democrats are confronted with the TRUTH!

Permalink 08/07/09 14:37, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, In real life, On the web

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Town hall meetings called to discuss proposed health care legislation turned violent Thursday, with a meeting in Tampa, Fla., descending into shouting and one in St. Louis ending in arrests.

A freelance videographer was roughed up in an altercation, which damaged his camera equipment and glasses, and at least one man was treated for minor injuries after a scuffle left his shirt partially torn from his body.

"That's the most violent anyone has been towards me," Mark Bishop told WTSP-TV. "It was surprising, to say the least."

These people do not seem violent to me. One of the protesters is knocking on the door with a cane!

This is what you get when supporters of the health care bill are confronted with the truth. At town hall meetings all across the country protesters are meeting and asking questions BASED ON THE TEXT OF THE BILL ITSELF. The speakers at these meeting do not know what to do. When confronted with the truth, they cower and typically leave the stage. In this instance they closed the doors to the meeting hall, hurting some people in the process. People were shoved out, or in so that they could close the doors.

It is clear by anyone who examines the bill that what is being said at these town hall meetings is NOT congruent with the text of the bill. People are tired of being lied to, and want these people to answer for what they are saying. There can only be two possible scenarios, either the speakers at these meetings have no idea what is actually in the bill, or they are lying and have no conviction about it.

It is clear that the democrats have determined who they are really scared of. The democrat party is scared of common citizens armed with the truth. It is true that the more people know about this bill, the less they like it, and the more the polls reflect disapproval of the bill.

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Comment from: Hollie [Visitor]
HollieI recently posted a link on my Facebook profile that was very much biased against the health care bill. It featured a woman who kept referring to specific sections and page numbers as she addressed denial of care to the elderly. In response, a liberal schoolmate saw my post and asked me to examine the bill for myself. She noted that the actual bill does not have page numbers and gave me this link:

1) Is this the bill to which you are referring?
2) Have you examined this document (HR3200) yourself?
3) Where are people getting the page numbers?
4) Are claims about denial of care to the elderly accurate?

I looked over the bill enough to see that there aren't page numbers per se, and I found nothing to support the negative claims people are making. I'm not saying I support the bill, but I would like to have a better defense against it. One that will fly with the libs!
08/09/09 @ 18:00
Comment from: OGRE / (Jeff) [Member] Email
Me and My Giant Dollar Store GlassesIf you look at my post here, I have a copy of the bill in PDF format which has page numbers...

What I'll do is modify my most recent post to include a screen shot showing where to click and get the PDF version of the bill.

08/11/09 @ 20:05

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