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“Islam the Religion of Peace” Murder religious converts! Note: this is an old post from my original blog from 12/27/2006. Posted for Rob...
People of Indonesia are now experiencing what I have been predicting. They are the latest victims of the “Religion of Peace.” There are many sects of Islam. But the one most popular is also the most violent. I know that most Muslim groups say that they do not agree with the Wahhabi version of the Koran; however, if you research you will find that nearly all of the modern day forms of the Koran are based in part from the Wahhabi version. Most of the world’s supply of Korans come from Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia the Wahhabi sect of Islam is the norm. Ibn Wahhab is one of the spiritual and political founders of the Kingdom of Saud.
When you hear about terrorists they are usually referred to as “extremists.” You have to think for a minute or this might trick you. Extremists, what does the word tell you. Well here is a breakdown from Merriam Webster for you. First you enter extremists, that leads you to extremism, which leads you to radicalism. Check out this definition of radical. Merriam - Webster. The definition says, “a root part”, “a basic principle.” The whole idea that these “radical” people are not following the Koran is absurd. The so called extremists are following the word of the Koran exactly. It is those who do not follow the Koran who are the “peaceful Muslims.” Even the “peaceful Muslims” still follow Sharia Law. The problem is not just with the Muslims that want to terrorize people, kill civilians, kill school kids, but all Muslims that believe in Sharia Law, which sadly is most of them.
Kamaruddin, an amiable, balding man with a pious goatee, is no extremist. He stresses the obligation of courtesy and good treatment that all humans owe to each other regardless of religion. And he wants Malaysia to evolve to a sharia state, not have it forced on the society.
He does not use the term "Arabisation" of Malaysian Islam, but, revealingly, he talks approvingly of the standardization of Islam, a beneficial consequence, he believes, of the information revolution. "Traditional Malay Islam is becoming more like international Islam," he says.

The key here is “international Islam.” The traditional Malay Islam is becoming more like “international Islam.” He also says that he doesn’t like the term “Arabisation.” So he is saying that the Arab form of Islam is the “international form of Islam” he speaks of. What you have to remember is that he is speaking of the same Wahhabi (from Saudi Arabia) belief that is intolerant of other religions, and other Muslims. So, it sounds like the hard-liners are having a large influence on one of the world’s largest Muslim populations.
For a system of law such as Sharia Law to take hold there must be a hard-line group of believers to push it. I know what you're thinking, “hard-line Muslims, never heard of that!” The pushing of Sharia Law is what is going on in Indonesia right now. There is a hard-line group pushing Sharia Law on people and there is nothing the Indonesian government is going to do about it. After all it’s in the Koran, remember, Sharia Law.

The problem lies more deeply than people have been willing to admit. I don't think that all Muslims are bad people. There are secular Muslims that do not hold the same far-out beliefs. They are hard to find now though, because the “true” believers have vowed destroy them. They fundamentalist Muslims have pledged to do so. You will be hard-pressed to hear anything positive from the Muslim religion as a whole, because if you talk of true peace, it might be the last thing you do.
The bottom line is that the religion of Islam as a whole is not "all" bad; consider though, the majority of those practicing Islam are of the “extremist” type. The extremist types are doing away with the peaceful Muslims. This is why the Islamic community has nothing to say when there is an attack in the name of their religion, and innocent people are killed. They are worried that the followers of “The Religion of Peace” are going to kill them!
Remember, in the Middle East there is no "Radical Islam" there is only Islam.
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